US Presidential Election 2016: Sidney's Victory Lap



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Mo Farah is banned from entering the US under the new rule.

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Rocko is sideways you can say what you want for a few hours


hey buddy,. as the TFK man on the ground in the US (since the departing of labane who knows his stuff) can you elaborate on what is really going on as we are so far away here & we just donā€™t know really :grinning:) sorry man but your earlier post irked me and you definitely didnā€™t read the article. you have huge shoes to fill. I wish @anon7035031 was here heā€™d have given an insightful response to that articleā€¦

If I was a US citizen I wouldā€™ve voted for Trump against Hilaryā€¦

If I had a choice Iā€™d pick Bernie Sanders over both but coming out with posts like that is madnessā€¦patriotā€¦wtfā€¦

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Apologies I didnā€™t realise you were a snowflake

Your speaking to a poster that worked in risk on BOI during the Celtic tiger.he wouldnt be the most clued in

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Snowflakeā€¦Iā€™ve been called worse then that pal.:grin:

Seriously thoughā€¦your patriot reference is disgusting.

Can you tell me why Pilger has such a blind spot about the fascism that is so clearly emerging in the US and the fascism that is already well established in Russia?

Given that he released a documentary about US aggression against China before Christmas called ā€œThe Coming War On Chinaā€, his blind spot to Trumpā€™s fascism is doubly puzzling given Trumpā€™s aggressive posturing against the Chinese.

It was true blue Americans that elected Trump. He represents and is putting into action the wishes of a huge number of Americans. They donā€™t like to admit it, but Trumps ā€œbizzareā€ utterings are very popular and hes saying the things people are afraid to say out loud.


Race. The elephant in the room.

At least one now departed self styled ā€œknowledgeable posterā€ spent a year denying it was a factor.

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Iā€™m not racist butā€¦

Taxi driver politics

I was on a flight home with from the US a couple of weeks agoā€¦the fella sitting beside me was on his 2nd of 3 flights to see his son in Prague.

Mexican born, moved to the states when he was 5, and is an avid Trump supporterā€¦Works in construction and was disillusioned with the status quo.

Taxi drivers appear to be considerably to the left of that departed poster on racial matters given whatā€™s happening at JFK at the moment.

i dont think he has sidney and he points that out in the article (fascism) and how nothing has been said until now just because trump is in. there has been ignorance to what has been going on in media circles yet suddenly its an issueā€¦

I read that article last week.

Pilger is giving an entirely free pass to Trump and Putin.

He should be fucking ashamed of himself.

CNN presenter: ā€œWhat would you say to people, who say they donā€™t feel safe?ā€

Iā€™d say: ā€œyouā€™re being played for gullible fools by a rapacious fascist demagogue who wants to exploit your base prejudice which has absolutely no basis in reality, entirely for his own electoral gainā€.

Was he more pissed off with Clinton or the Democratic Party? They both made the decision easier for lots of people, thatā€™s for sure.

Feck it, Iā€™m a tough ol girl. Labane is a sensitive lad and found peace on his trip to Ireland. I wish him well but Iā€™ve taken down bigger and badder than him.