US Presidential Election 2016: Sidney's Victory Lap

Is that account Trump’s account or a wind-up?

Of course it’s his, it’s genius.

It is mental. Candidates spending hundreds of millions on ads etc and one mad twitter account could probably outreach it. The spelling is appalling however.

New Jersey governor and former Republican candidate Chris Christie is endorsing frontrunner Donald Trump for president, he has announced.

Mr Christie dropped out of the 2016 presidential race after a lacklustre showing in polls and state races.
“I’m happy to be on the Trump team and I look forward to working with him,” said Mr Christie during a press conference.

Mr Trump gives Republicans the best chance to win the White House, he adds.

He said junior senators Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio, both running for president, were “unprepared” for the job.
There is “no question” that Mr Trump will turn around Washington, Mr Christie continued, and keep Democratic candidate and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton from winning the White House.

Frontrunner Donald Trump, a businessman from New York, is leading in many state polls and has already won three consecutive state contests in New Hampshire, Nevada and South Carolina, despite never having worked in politics.

He shouldered some criticism from Mr Rubio and Mr Cruz at a Republican debate on Thursday but it is not yet clear whether this has hurt his popularity.

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Great news, we’re going to own the north east seaboard. Hon Trump.

Hillary crushed Bernie by 50% in S.Carolina, and 84-16% among Black voters.

Writing on the wall for Bernie. Things will probably be wrapped up next Tuesday.

Oh well it looks like a republican will be in the white house next year after all-Hillary Cinton

Fun times on Trump’s campaign trail

A Time magazine photographer trying to document the exit of dozens of black protesters from the rally in southwestern Radford, Virginia, was grabbed by the neck and shoved to the ground by a US Secret Service agent.

Hecklers disrupted the rally on a day when the New York billionaire fended off criticism that he had not clearly condemned white supremacist support during an interview on CNN on Sunday.

Trump taunted the protesters, shouting “Are you from Mexico?” at one of them. Supporters in the audience confronted the hecklers in angry, face-to-face exchanges.


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Iconic Movie Trump

One of my favourite moments of the campaign so far; Paul Ryan states that “This party does not play on people’s prejudices.” :joy:

The core strategy on which the Republican Party of the past 40 years has been built, .i.e the ‘Southern Strategy’ - Southern strategy - Wikipedia - is entirely based on appealing to people’s prejudices. And now they’ve spent so long playing to that impulse that they can’t even control it any more.

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Well doh

It’s a timely reminded for the Don haters. He is wily old fox.

Romney has launched an attack on Trump at a Republican National Convention in Salt Lake City. Must be without precedent in American history for a party to be attacking their own presidential candidate at their conventions. The Republicans are savaging each other.

Trump issued his own response

The meltdown that has been brewing for weeks happened at tonight’s Republican debate. Rubio continued his attack on Trump and finally got him to crack, Trump calling him little Marco repeatedly and then holding up his (Trump’s) hands and made the big hands big dick claim. Rubio and Cruz have teamed up versus Trump, which is now likely the only way he can be stopped. Kasich the winner by positioning himself as the adult in the room. This is not going to end well, the Republican convention in Cleveland could be a bloodbath.

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So it will end well?