US Presidential Election 2016: Sidney's Victory Lap

Romney quoted John Oliver a lot in his attack

I love the way how when the Republican nomination process takes place every four years, you often get posts on Irish discussion forums, usually from Irish people living in the US or gimps who are/were members of Young Fine Gael, complaining about how Irish people have a stereotypical view of US Republicans as being lunatics, and how that isn’t the case at all in reality.

And now it turns out that the major issue in this year’s Republican nomination race is the size of Donald Trump’s penis.


A very harsh dig at @anon7035031 who clearly explained why he was right when he said Rubio would hammer Trump and why he was right when he said Trump would hammer Rubio.


Rubio has now ridiculed Trump, calling him “Stump”.

But Trump has hit back, calling Rubio “Pubio”.

Ben Carson must now be rueing quitting the race.

Plenty of potential with his surname alright. Arson Carson would be a good wrestling name actually

Oliver fairly skewered strumph the other night alright


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You’re having a pop at other countries and their lunatics, and you live in a country that has just elected or reelected Michael Lowry, Mick Wallace, Clare Daly, two Healy-Raes as if one wasn’t enough, other assorted loonies, and to quote Obama “handed the keys back to the people who crashed the car into the wall”. People in glass houses mate.

Bit unfair on Wallace he’s a smelly looking cunt but he’s taken down shatter and has opened up a can of worms involving NAMA

Sanders currently winning Michigan which would be huge for him. Trump wins Michigan and Mississippi. Make a toned down but rambling presidential style speech tonight sounding like the nomination was wrapped up. Rubio absolute failure. Interesting times ahead.

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Michigan feels the Bern


Big win for Sanders against all expectations in Michigan. Not one poll in the past six months had Clinton ahead by anything less than 5 points. She was 20 points up in some polls. Sanders might actually have a shot.


In November, Sanders v Trump.

Both parties end up trying to sabotage their own candidate.

Democracy eh?

He’s hanging in is Bernie. He’s very impressive in debates.
The super delegates will ultimately finish him off though.

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Even last night he would have split the delegates with Clinton. The two points to take from it are (1) the argument that the polls were underestimating his support wasn’t just pro-Sanders talk, and (2) tonight’s Democratic debate is very significant.

In terms of upsetting the polls, what Sanders did was unprecedented. 538 had Hillary at a 99% probability of winning the state. In fairness, Sanders did only win by 49 to 48 or something but he still beat the polling average by 25 points or so. Could that mean he stands a far better chance in the remaining states as well?

Cruz did ok last night but it looks like the Romney/Paul attacks on Trump had little effect. Still all to play for there too probably.

Republican plan seems to be keep the 4 in the race, make sure Trump can’t get enough of a majority then pick whoever they want.

Yeah that’s exactly what they want. A contested convention or whatever they call it. Trump and Cruz don’t want that obviously.

Nate Silver is being found out.

Gas that Bloomberg officially announced he was pulling out yesterday. He’s have run if it was Trump/Sanders but decided against it as he thought Hillary had it won.

Fantastic that Little Marco continues to implode.

The tide might be turning on the hawk bernie will hopefully hang in as long as possible,maybe the email thing will sink her