US Presidential Election 2016: Sidney's Victory Lap

Your man Cal was on Matt Cooper tonight. Worth listening back to hear the absolutely unbelievable shit he was saying justifying the detention of the 5 year old.
ā€œWeā€™ve all seen these five year olds in the ISIS videos Mattā€
ā€œThey brain wash themā€
Something very strange is happening in the World now, especially the states. Thereā€™s two versions of every story, one to suit each narrative. Thereā€™s nothing new in that (both sides have been spinning for years) but itā€™s now reached incredible proportions where people donā€™t trust any news source that doesnā€™t suit their narrative. Its A combination of declining standards in journalism the last few decades and the internet, news is coming from everywhere and doesnā€™t have to meet journalistic standards at all to be printed and thereā€™s no recourse on it as the websites are based off shore etc. Itā€™s scary stuff. You could tell the trumpets anything and theyā€™d believe it.

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Social media is very much to blame here.

That Cal fellow is an unspeakable wanker.


Coopers a bigger eejit to be giving him airtime. Whos the fella Hook used to have on?

Go shit in your hat

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Michael Graham. The lad our President called a wanker.

Ah sure Iā€™d be listening to him so I suppose Iā€™m worse. He was enjoyable when he was lampooning the Irish medias obsession with Obama but heā€™s showing his real colours of late and it ainā€™t pretty

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Hes that much of a wanker, if you were stuck, youā€™d make two out of him.

Much like on here, lads are doubling down now, and going all in. Tis interesting times.

I was considering a pro Trump position for a while to see if I could get a rise out of the glasflakes but I said Iā€™d look a right mug if Trump killed us all in a nuclear holocaust and Iā€™d been supporting him on the internet. I donā€™t think my e-brand would ever recover



Iā€™d give that two likes if I could.

Buffalo Bill is it?

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He was equating the immigration ban with banning people with Ebola and ā€œMad Cow Diseaseā€. :smile:

Trump signs executive order to ban Persian Cats from US

by Stacey Cuckovich,, 9:11pm, 01/31/2017

President Donald Trump has this afternoon signed an executive order to ban Persian Cats from the US.

The measure has caused chaos at airports across the nation as cats were paw-cuffed and interrogated for up to three hours by US Border Patrol agents.

ā€œThis is not an anti-cat orderā€, boldly stated President Trump, portraying supreme alpha male strength.

ā€œI love cats, I have several cats, theyā€™re some of the most beautiful cats youā€™ve ever seen, believe me. I love grabbing pussy, nobody loves grabbing pussy more than me. But this is an order protecting America from terrorist Persian cats. ISIS is training cats to kill our peopleā€, said our beloved Commander-in-Chief.

ā€œItā€™s well known that the Iranians are training cats as young as three months old to hate Americans and hate our cultureā€, said White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer.

ā€œTo assume that just because of an animalā€™s species or whatever that they donā€™t pose a threat would be wrongā€.

ā€œJust today we detained a one year old cat named ā€œAyatollah Catmeiniā€ who refused to co-operate. We suspect this cat was part of a high-level terrorist operation designed to kill US citizens.ā€

Another cat, named ā€œMohamed Catamiā€, spent three hours in a cage that animal rights activists have described as ā€œso small that you couldnā€™t swing a cat inā€.

The measure has attracted firm and broad support from Republican members of Congress.

ā€œPersian cats are a clear threat to our freedom. I stand proudly behind President Trump as he protects the American people from this clear and present threatā€, said Speaker of the House Paul Ryan.

Loyal, patriotic, freedom-loving supporters of President Trump gathered at airports across the US, as well as at the corporate headquarters of the Carolina Panthers and Jacksonville Jaguars NFL franchises and the Detroit Tigers Major League Baseball franchise, holding anti-cat banners and chanting anti-cat rhymes, such as ā€œWe donā€™t care if your tail is bushy, we you donā€™t want your Persian Pussy!ā€

Thatā€™s some weak shit, bro.




A newly-appointed Trump aide, who was on Newsnight tonight, tried to carry a gun onto a plane last year.


President Trump announcing his Supreme Court nominee right now.

Wonderful speeches from our great President Trump and Justice Gorsuch (49 years of age :+1:)