US Presidential Election 2016: Sidney's Victory Lap


Fine chunk of land there for our southern expansion

Is that kid really handcuffed? Fucking bell if so.

If that did happen who would get to keep all the nukes?

I was thinking the same. Surely they didn’t handcuff the kid. I wouldn’t be surprised if the kid has their hands behind their back.

Whiff of fake news off that …

#To assume that just because of someone’s age and gender that they don’t pose a threat would be misguided and wrong.#

Is the kid not holding something in her right hand?

Pretty sure what they do in the future is one thing, but if that kid is fucking handcuffed…

Not clear handcuffed but he was detained

@Matty_Hislop spreading fake news

Kid is a US citizen. Mother waiting for him.

Dont gets me wrong, detaining etc just wrong, but if they had cuffed a 5 years old kid, well that would be beyond belief in a supposedly civilized superpower


Why? They usually bomb the shit out of five year olds.


They drop bombs killing and maiming which is far far worse.

Didn’t I just say in a civilized country? Fuck sake, keep up.

Strange that you are taking such a strong stance against wrongly detaining people in this instance, Bill.

Don’t call me by my real name here.

You address him by his proper title, you little bollox.

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