US Presidential Election 2016: Sidney's Victory Lap

Do we know if the 49% voted in the election?

Yes. Yes they did.

You seem like you have no reason to lie about this so Iā€™m gonna take you at your word.


Absolutely, President Trump is doing a stellar job.

One wonders why obama would make such a ā€œdumbā€ deal.

Itā€™s an extremely dumb deal. Why should the US take refugees seeking asylum (note the difference between illegal immigrants and asylum seekers) that are the responsibility of Australia? If you think Trump is a right wing, mysoginistic, racist, knuckle dragging, cuntish cunty cunt cunt (which in fairness, he is), he has nothing on the Australian government. A more odious group of racist, hate mongering, climate change denying fuckwits you couldnā€™t meet. Only today Turnbull was spruiking this clean coal makey uppy shite.

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Sure who better to lead a country of racists than a racist?

Turnbull was being roundly praised by the Australian media for his handling of Trump. They love the guy.

Refugees seeking asylum to the us are vetted to the extreme. Trumpā€™s promise is just bollix and his trolls fall for it. Alternative facts indeed. What you get when ypu have a nation where people watch the news they ā€˜want to believeā€™.

Anyone know Sessions middle name?

Trump will be seething when he sees this

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Bannon looks like a liberal .


He has liberal hair.

Howā€™d the fucking Iraqiā€™s get into the middle of it?

And of course thereā€™s the Irish lad at the heart of it. Shawnee.

He looks like an alcoholic in that.


Seems prudent in the current climate

Nancy Pelosi calling Bannon a white supremacist

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Wasnā€™t he arrested before?