US Presidential Election 2016: Sidney's Victory Lap

Arnie is just another Democrat-loving Hollywood luvvie who knows nothing about politics, so has no right to his views. Or something like that.

Yes, the fact that he was a republican governor of California won’t mean shit to Trump fans.
Trump will probably have another pop at Australia after this.


Stoke City and USMNT stalwart Geoff Cameron has spoken out in favour of President Trump’s immigration controls.

That will go down well in Stoke. The Brexitiest town .

Charlie Rose as always asking the questions that need to be asked. AND getting answers. Great interview tonight with a former gov official. She basically said trump is an utter dumb fuck without actually having to say it.

Some chap at a Trump presser tossed out of the room while asking a question. Apparently didn’t wait his turn, and Trump nodded for him to be tossed, which he was and some, despite his media credentials. He was middle eastern of some distraction, and was told by one of Trumps henchmen to “get off back to your own country”, to which he replied that he’s an American citizen.

Nothing more cringe than someone shouting about their rights when being ejected from somewhere.

I think this is the footage of Jorge Ramos from Univision you’re talking about. It’s from late August 2015.

Unless something similar happened overnight. Which is entirely possible.

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Between this cunt and Bannon, we live in dangerous and interesting times.

America is a failed state.

Fuck - that link reminded me that I completely forgot to watch the World Bowls Championship on BBC2 last week.

I’d spent months looking forward to it and all.

Can’t believe I won’t get to hear the dulcet tones of David Corkill’s commentary until next year, now.

KellyAnne Conway is a scary looking woman.

By the way, I was very surprised to see the fact that by religion, the US supreme court is now made up of 5 catholics, 3 jews and 1 episcopalian, with the newest member being the episcopalian.

Scalia was also a catholic.
There are six Roman Catholics currently serving on the court (Samuel Alito, Anthony Kennedy, John Roberts, Antonin Scalia, Sonia Sotomayor, and Clarence Thomas) and three Jews (Stephen Breyer, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, and Elena Kagen).

What kinda wages would you get in that job ?

Dont go bothering @Fitzy with this now.

Trump has declared war on Iran :open_mouth:

“Iran is playing with fire - they don’t appreciate how ‘kind’ President Obama was to them. Not me!”

The Saudis must laugh their holes off everyday.


U.S. military officials told Reuters that Trump approved his first covert counterterrorism operation without sufficient intelligence, ground support or adequate backup preparations.

Bizzare comment. Who would have asked him to authorise the raid?

Sounds to me like the military messed up and are pushing it back on De Donald