US Presidential Election 2016: Sidney's Victory Lap

A world war in the modern age would be intriguing. No waiting for 3 days to hear how the men on the front line got on. 24 hour, round the clock war. Cities being obliterated from 1,000 miles away.

It looks like it was the good people of Clare who triggered Trump’s hatred of the EU.

The US’s appetite for war in Iraq in 2003 was like lapsed forum member @The_Dunph’s appetite for a feed from Donkey Ford’s after a hard day’s INTERNETTING.

An actual world war would be over in about 15-20 mins and we’d all be dead, so we wouldn’t have long to worry about it, which is a positive I suppose. The East Coast would certainly be gonzo anyway.
Our best hope is a proxy war like the Vietnams etc of the Cold War era, where the US & the Chinese can duke it out in some place like Vietnam (again) without actually being at war with each other.

Could we have one that was concentrated on the middle East, a few of those shitty central Asian countries and a few of those former USSR countries in eastern Europe ?

Or maybe one I’m the form of online arguments decided by likes.?

We were heading that way for a while but it looks like Putin & Trump are giving each other some space. If HRC had been elected then that would have been the most likely theatre of war with a Syria/Iran/Russia/Shiite vs the US/Sunnis and the rest arrangement.
I’d say the baltics are glad they are in Nato because Putin would probably be already in there only for that.

The Russians trying to interfere in the French elections now.

Sneaky fackin’ Russians.

Is Suzanne lynch hot?
I can’t decide.

If you have a long drive some day. An interesting perspective that suggests the inevitability of China-US conflict.

Book chapter covering the same -

Looks like sid has gotten an Alt-Left pal in the “watch the break” wum :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Shorter video that covers a lot of the same points

Timelines of Congress votes under the Trump administration thus far.

First 3 days of February were busy for the energy lobby.

Feb. 1:

Repeal of the stream protection rule

Repeal of a rule requiring energy companies to disclose payments to foreign governments

Feb. 2:

Repeal of a rule requiring some federal contractors to report labor violations

Feb 3:

Repeal of a rule requiring energy companies to reduce waste and emissions

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Sessions is a hardcore, Alabama racist and seems well suited to the Trump administration’s agenda.


Hes just a good ol boy

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Vindication for @Sidney here from, er Donald Trump.

Total snafu of a mission in Yemen is a success because to say otherwise would dishonour the memory of the Navy Seal who died in a firefight.

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