US Presidential Election 2016: Sidney's Victory Lap

The job of the press secretary is a thankless job, especially with a hostile media.

Does free speech usually make a Press Secretary’s role difficult?

Do you actually know who this group are? You truly are a dimwit.
Why would Trump be shipping me home mate?

Flesh that out a bit as it makes no sense.

Excuse me. I’ll not be shouted down like some poor journalist at a Trump press conference.

I thought undocumented illegal residents were being shown the door soon?

Jesus wept…

Pal. Please stop asking me questions, please supply me with answers to my questions.

What’s up, mate? Have you an issue with my posting style on an Internet forum? Why are you judging me?

Because you’re a dumb cunt harry. Next question. I’ll have an answer for you too.

I’m a US citizen, why would that effect me? (even if it were true, illegals with criminal records are the ones being targeted - something Onama also did, he deported more illegals than any previous president).

Not a fuck could I give what you think, pal. :wave::wave:

I am asking for clarity as your questions make no sense. Trumps administration have held more press conferences in their first weeks than any other in living memory. The press write what they want, how is free speech being impeded?

The President has on more than one occasion refused to take questions from certain journalists. That is without doubt an effort to stall free speech.

He gave the longest press conference by a president by a wide margin yesterday and took questions from all sections of the press. Why should only CNN and MSNBC get to ask questions?

You have avoided my point. Is it okay for him to pick & choose who asks the questions?

Of course it is. Again why should only the biggest media players get to ask questions. Increasingly people aren’t watching them anyway and get their news elsewhere. Obama gave very few press conferences and frequently left without taking questions. There’s no onus on the president to anawer to the press, he answers to the people.

Okay, feel free to defend someone who is in favour of muting free speech.

Its nothing to do with free speech. As president he is free to hold news conferences or not and conduct them as he sees fit to get out his message (again, Obama held very few and rarely took questions at all). The press are free to write what they want, muting them would be shutting them down. Do you see evidence of that? Like your imaginary rounding up illegal Irish.

You’re being extremely obtuse.

Fake tan doesn’t make somebody Hispanic.

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