US Presidential Election 2016: Sidney's Victory Lap

I’d imagine it’s becoming a badge of honour in the media to be branded as fake news.

Not really, since everything critical of Trump is being branded fake news. Being singled out by him is probably worth a book deal at this stage alright. I didn’t think he was at all unhinged in that press conference the other day. It was a surreal episode for sure but he was fairly composed throughout.

There’s a big risk of the mainstream media falling in love with this idea that they are the real martyrs in all of this. They love nothing more than the idea that they are brave crusading journalists. That’s a narrative that will do zero damage to Trump, as the mainstream media are universally regarded as cunts, while also allowing his real policy moves to slip under the radar.

Yesterday’s tweets:

Out of all Donald Trump’s Cabinet picks, it’s hard to find anyone who’s been more overtly hostile toward the agency he’s about to lead than Scott Pruitt has been toward the Environmental Protection Agency.

Pruitt made no secret of this; during his tenure as Oklahoma’s attorney general, his bio page called him “a leading advocate against the EPA’s activist agenda.” Over the last six years, Pruitt has filed lawsuit after (mostly unsuccessful) lawsuit to halt EPA rules on mercury pollution from coal plants, thwart EPA plans to clean up the Chesapeake Bay, block President Obama’s efforts to tackle climate change — and much, much more.

Pruitt’s record is so stark that nearly 800 former EPA employees signed a letter opposing his confirmation. They criticized Pruitt’s cozy ties with Oklahoma’s oil and gas industry, his opposition to the federal government regulating air pollution that crosses state lines, his history of downplaying global warming. “Mr. Pruitt’s record,” the letter states, “raises serious questions about whose interests he has served to date and whether he agrees with the longstanding tenets of U.S. environmental law.”

But none of this was enough to derail Pruitt’s nomination. Trump wanted an EPA head who would roll back Obama’s climate policies. And the modern-day GOP is in sync with Pruitt’s views on environmental regulation — namely, that the feds should do far less of it. Pruitt also enjoyed widespread support among industry groups and conservatives, who have been running ads in his favor for months.

Sweep, sweep

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… and there it is. At least you had the balls to give a concession speech, unlike HRC the night of the election. It took one day to undue your 7 weeks of drivel.

I do love this. President Trump is doing an amazing job and the Alt-Left hate this :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

In the over 3 months since President Trump won the election, those of us with a positive business acumen have been making load of money from the Trump rally.

The idiots in the Alt Left have been sleeping in late and getting up at 1pm very angry :joy:

It is a joy to click into this forum once or twice a day and watch the angry loser ranting of the left wing extremist’s from the Alt-Left :+1:


Those boys get about 200 quid a week from the state. Economic growth won’t affect them.


Neither should elections that they don’t have a vote in, in countries that they’ve never been to - but go figure.



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The rally, loive

Oh lawdy :joy:

what an unreal rally in Florida, Ivanka leading the lords prayers and lads from the audience getting up making speeches, unreal

meanwhile in New York some bunch of dungaree wearing lesbians and lefty loonies are holding another march :joy:

Does Trump not realise he won the election and can
Stop campaigning.

President Safe Space must have shelled out a fair whack of taxpayers’ money paying for audience members.

The Alt Left have realised that their anti democracy protests have made even more people switch to the Pro Trump side.

The Alt Left keep protesting against democracy, President Trump keeps growing in popularity


God bless you President Trump, and God bless America


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RIP tragic Swedish victims
