US Presidential Election 2016: Sidney's Victory Lap

President Safe Space looking for a safe space from women who talk back:

Free Speech thriving under the leader of the FREE world.

@Bandage could learn a thing or two from Trump and his leadership skills.

No one is banned from TFK, mate. Posters walk away.

Poor old @gilbertine must be planning a lot of walking if thatā€™s the case. A pity too. You guys were having great bants about underpants.

As a member of TFK disciplinary board, I can hand on heart say that no poster has been banned since April 2015.

Thatā€™s only a subcommittee. @Rocko and @anon67715551 are on the national steering group. Thatā€™s where the real shots are called.

RIP to all those who died in Swedenā€¦ thoughts with their families.


Labane banned himself after his revelation in Limerick.

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what happened? Muslims again I suppose?

Iā€™m not sure ā€¦ Donald Trump reckons there was a great tragedy there on Friday night.

It gets worse, there are reports that the Swedish media is under pressure not to report on the true extent of criminality by the economic and social migrants

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they did the same in Germany with the mass rape of German women by Syrian terrorists, Trump on the ball yet again

The Alt Left have made Europe a very dangerous place for women.

It is no surprise that the majority of President Trumpā€™s supporters are women.

Alt left?

I thought there was a jesus wept thread around here.

Two spambots now interacting.

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My advise a while ago was donā€™t let them rattle you.

What happened in Sweden? I canā€™t find anything online, especially the fake news websites.

Trump indicated that some event happened there Friday night - No one in the world, including the Swedes, knows what the fuck he is on about. Just like he thought he had the biggest winning electoral margin since Regan, until a reporter corrected him, i donā€™t think the man knows what he is talking about most of the time.