US Presidential Election 2016: Sidney's Victory Lap

As if 1-4 would improve if Trump was not runningā€¦

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In Chicago. Quelle surprise.

The Left are disgusting, so intolerant. Fascists.

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You are not addressing the point.

Trumpā€™s supporters feel they are victims or free trade and immigration.

Trump addresses that.

Iā€™m well aware of the establishment of both parties & how their relationship with these things are difficult, but Trump & his supporters are quite clear cut, which is the point.

Donald Trump is the right man to win this fight against the evils we saw last night.

A lot of decent people who were considering voting for the democratic candidate are strongly reconsidering.

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I was addressing your points that conservatives are against immigration because its reduces labor costs (they are not, conservatives love low labor costs as it boosts profit. They are against certain immigration for other reasons), and that conservatives are against free trade (they are not, as conservatives understand the devastating effects on consumers of imposing tariffs and trade wars).

As for Trump and his supporters, I agree Trump is tapping into the anger of the traditional low income white Republican voter. The anger against Mexican immigrants is misplaced and simply based on racism. The great majority of Mexican immigrants are laborers who work the fields and do gardening. If a wall were built to stop these people coming in and throw out the illegals here, the agriculture industry and most small construction industries would collapse. The uneducated white bums who support Trump know this, they just hate people any color other than white.

They also donā€™t understand the impact of imposing restrictions on free trade. US consumers have benefited enormously from free trade, their purchasing power has increased significantly, even though wage growth has been sluggish. The conservative position is to implement policies that help businesses be more competitive and encourage them to stay in the US and pay taxes in the US (corporate tax competitive with other countries, less regulation, etc.).

It is highly debatable whether Trump is even a conservative, his positions certainly werenā€™t for most of his life. What appeals to his supporters is his populist bombast, it certainly canā€™t be his policies as he doesnā€™t have any, and as for his positions, they have changed so much in the past year how could anyone possibly believe anything he says? His appeal is to an ignorant, uneducated mindset that has zero understanding of the issues facing the country.


I got this by email from a cousin who is on the organising committee below. I guess I wont make it for tomorrow night

Your cousin is a cunt?

You are so judgemental

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Hilary Clinton is a war monger, bought and sold by big businessā€¦ Thatā€™s all Iā€™m saying.


When is this shit over

Considering itā€™s a perpetual cycle of servitude, it is only over when we rise up and defeat our oligarch overlords, and in the process create a new form of peaceful co-existence and cast ā€œdemocracyā€ to the dungeon.

Does that help?

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Im alligned to Putin mate


Trump is a gas man, all the same.

I listened back to the debate from a few days ago today while doing a bit of work and the totality of his contributions wasnā€™t much more than:
ā€œIā€™ve a lot of friends in Florida/Israel/the Middle East.ā€
ā€œGreat people, great people.ā€
ā€œWeā€™re going to make a deal, a good deal, a better deal.ā€
ā€œWeā€™re going to get it done.ā€
ā€œI know the system better than anybody.ā€
ā€œWeā€™ll kick their ass.ā€
ā€œBelieve me, believe meā€¦ā€


and her opponents are better?

Bernie is not a war monger mate.