US Presidential Election 2016: Sidney's Victory Lap

The image of Trump in the popular consciousness as you put it is the guy on the Apprentice who is a tough SOB and seems to know a lot about business. Of the 50% who vote in general elections, only 10% of them vote in primaries, the only relevance of the primary is selecting the party candidates. By the time the debates start nobody will care what Trump said during the primaries, except the shrieking banshee left. It will be a whole new ball game. For example he will clarify what he said about illegal immigration and Muslims and sound less like @Tassotti.

Trump hasn’t far to run to the center, he is a New York liberal whose only road to the White House was via the Republican ticket. He is far more centrist than Hillary on economic issues and by the time the debates start will be close to her on social issues. It’s not as if the voting public are members of the intelligentsia, most of them are morons like in any country.

There is nothing stopping a candidate from naming his proposed cabinet before being elected. It’s a moot point until they are elected and the positions are approved by congress.
VP candidates have to be named as they go on the ballot.

You’re talking so much shite here.
Do you seriously think the average American doesn’t see Trump as a reality TV shock jock loud mouth asshole?
There’s definitely a sizable portion of the US population that wouldn’t have great grá for Hillary, including many Dems, but there are a much larger group that absolutely detest Trump and wouldn’t want him anywhere near the White House. He could turn into a cross between JFK, Reagan and FDR tomorrow, but there no way he will be able to undo the image he has imprinted in the minds of American between now and Nov.
More people will hold there nose and vote for Clinton just to keep Trump out.


Only the VP need be announced but Trump will likely announce some big heavy hitters from the business community to his economic team, Carl Icahn for example. As for VP candidates he will likely select a current politician who knows the ropes on how to legislation approved. The smart thing to do would be select a smart popular woman, someone like Nikki Haley from South Carolina.

I thought he was anti-establishment, or as anti-establishment as someone who inherited $200 mil can be.

The average American is a loud mouth asshole, the reason they are voting for Trump in droves.

Ah ok, thought you were being serious with your other posts.

He is, but he has to also work within the system to get anything done. The first step is selecting someone who actually knows how politics functions.

Trump’s agenda will be very simple and populist. Instead of borrowing trillions of dollars to finance an ever growing welfare state modeled on the failed European model, he will advocate borrowing trillions of dollars to rebuild the country. In a stagnating economy that message will resonate with the great majority of working people who are disgusted with the direction of the country over the past few decades. They have had it with both parties, which is why Trump and Sanders are seeing such strong support. If it wasn’t for the bullshit primary system the Democrats have Bernie would get the nomination.

I am being quite serious with all posts. The average American is fed up with both parties. They want someone to come in and shake things up and advocate for ordinary working people, instead of being beholden to the big donors (both parties) or beholden to people who will only vote for someone who gives them free stuff (Democrats). The great majority of people are just ordinary working people who have seen their wages stagnate for decades while the cost of healthcare, education, etc. has skyrocketed.

I’m not a Trump supporter but those who think he can’t win in November are as delusional as those who thought he couldn’t win the nomination.


I’ve said it before, Europeans don’t understand Americans and have a tendency to see things through a Democrat lens when they try to. Especially in Ireland where RTE is like the broadcasting wing of the Democrat party and is especially well disposed to the Clinton wing of the Democrat party. Niall O’Dowd who is a fully paid up Clinton cheerleader is probably the voice that’s heard the most on Irish media analysing American politics.

I remember 1980 well when people on this side of the Atlantic didn’t believe for a second that America would elect a dangerous demagogue like Reagan and they expected against all available evidence that Carter would win out inthe end, even when it was obvious that it was going to be a Reagan landslide.


I call this piece the evolution of Labane. From Trump has no chance, to Trump is unelectable, to only idiots think Trump can’t win.

To be fair I think we all thought the Trump thing was a joke that would be stopped eventually, nor is there any problem with changing your view as events evolve. But to call those who don’t think he could win delusional when you yourself thought the same thing is rather humorous.

That’s the problem with the INTERNET. IT NEVER FORGETS


Disagree with this. People believe what they want to believe. Never underestimate the power of denial, or the fickleness of the public.

Excellent summary. Now go back to work.

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He’s not gonna match that for the day, he’d be as well head off home.


Donald Trump is the Leicester City of politics.

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Is he using performance enhancing drugs too?

labane1917: His hair is like his candidacy, a fleeting illusion.


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Wrong on California and wrong here

Donald is close to her unfavourables even after he had the onslaught of the entire establishment, the media and social media SJWs against him.

Once he works his charm and buries Killary in the debates with cold hard facts, the scales will be tipped. Donald said some mean things about immigrants, she has decades of nefarious activities to her name.

O Dowd is a bit of a tit tbh