US Presidential Election 2016: Sidney's Victory Lap

A bit of both Iā€™d say,as long as she doesnā€™t lose it and start shrieking like a banshee she should bate him

Dubya was inoffensive for the most part, an ex Governor of a huge state, and from a political dynasty.
There is absolutely no comparison.
Trumph canā€™t undo the persona he has cultivated over the last 30 years between now and Nov.

Repeating slogans for 2hrs over 3 debates wonā€™t work,if she wasnā€™t such a hateful cunt sheā€™d walk it and carry the house and senate with her,she should still win well enough

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But he can run to the centre, due to his proven democratic past, like dubya couldnā€™t. The fact he has no history in politics is one of his biggest selling points!

The run to the centre wonā€™t save Trump. People are mistaking his appeal to the nutters who vote in Republican primaries with his appeal to America at large. Clinton could well be beaten by centrist GOP candidate, no one likes her. But she wonā€™t lose to a loud mouth spoofer like Trump.

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She needs to face trump to win, as ive been saying here for months. The numbers of votes heā€™s getting far outweigh tea party support. Heā€™s not a Republican, heā€™s just anti establishment and people sick of the political system and terrible way of life that lower economy workers are faced with support him.

He is way too unpopular with women to win. 47% of female GOP voters said they canā€™t see themselves supporting him. Nationwides polls put him at a negative rating with women of 70%. He has just said way too much crazy shit about women, with the abortion comments and remarks about Cruzā€™s wife putting him beyond the point of no return.

Just look at it rationally, he is massively unpopular with the biggest voting block in America. And thatā€™s what will really kill him, women vote in far bigger numbers than men in the general election. Like 5-10 million more. Running against a woman, it will kill him in November.

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I dont think heā€™ll win, but its not just right wing lunatics who support him. He will drag hillary down to the depths with him which will be box office. I wouldnā€™t rule out bernie just yet.

Kasich would have a much better chance against her than old orange face but heā€™s out now

Bernie is hoping the feds do him a favour Iā€™d say,itā€™s a pity he started so far behind

The baggage issue is irrelevant as Hillary has an equal amount, if not more. Whatā€™s she going to attack him on? Being a misogynist sexist prick? Sheā€™s married to the biggest one in the country, at least Trump hasnā€™t been accused of rape by multiple women (well he was by one but Ivana later recanted and said she didnā€™t mean rape in the criminal sense:joy: ). They are both self absorbed narcissistic assholes, itā€™s going to be like the UFC, but if serious shit starts flying there will be only one winner.

Middle America these days is primarily white trailer trash. The middle class is gone, replaced by millions of people just struggling to get by, working part time jobs, shooting up opiates to dull the pain. Yes, Hillary will clean up with the non white voters, and yes that demographic has grown from 18% to 30%, but unless she can win the white dominated battleground states she loses. The omens are not good, Trump is attracting massive turnout in the battleground states and she is not, for example she lost Indiana, he won Indiana. His focus will be 100% on the swing states with a significant white majority, the Midwest, Colorado, New Hampshire, Nevada, Virginia and Florida. That is a path to victory, based on the way the electoral college system works.

The Trump from here on will be a completely new Trump. He will be Reaganesque, strong, firm, and presidential, a complete charade in other words, but its a game of charades. He will promise to rebuild America (badly needed actually the place is falling apart), basically arguing that it is better to give people jobs (code for they can buy their own beer and oxycontin), rather than just giving them money for beer and oxycontin.

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What alienated the women voter from the GOP was the swing to the loony Christian right. Basically women donā€™t like to be told by men what to do with their bodies, ffs abortion has been legal since 1974 and the thick fucks are still ranting about it. Among his many upcoming pivots, I predict Trump will become strongly pro womenā€™s rights issues, for example reverting back to his former pro choice position. It will drive the Republican establishment mad, but thereā€™s fuck all they can do now.

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Hahaha people going on about Trumpā€™s baggage and ignoring Hillary :joy:

Saying Trump just repeats slogans in speeches when they are generally highly trade orientated in topic :joy:

Seriously some of you lads need to stop getting all your news from your Facebook feed. So baseline and biased.:grin:

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Well said. Trump is gonna walk this.

Thereā€™ll be a miraculous huge swing back into the middle from Trump driving them all ape :grin:

They canā€™t handle it, they thought their hero John Oliver had rumbled Don :smile:


The last few posts are what an echo chamber in an asylum looks like. :grin:


Is there any priovsion that a candidate names their likely cabinet in advance? Or is it only the vp running mate?

Who could Donald have as running mate and in cabinet?

Yeā€™re talking about Trumpā€™s anticipated swing to the centre like it was a normal primary race. Where itā€™s wrapped up after Super Tuesday and nobody was paying attention. Trump got huge coverage over a long period of time. His image is well established in the popular consciousness. He canā€™t just erase all of that by mouthing some centrist slogans. The American public is too familiar with him for that. He can either double down or water down. Neither is a winning strategy.

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Probably have to wait for @Fitzy to log on (sober hopefully) to answer that US constitutional question. He was the one who floated that particular notion here.

For what its worth, I donā€™t believe there is.