US Presidential Election 2016: Sidney's Victory Lap

True but the ordinary American doesn’t care about anywhere overseas. The posters who have spent time in america or currently live there have a good handle on the psyche i think. Sidney and others while meaning well have no idea what Americans outside the north east corridor think. Americans outside (and many within) are struggling with terrible lives and the devil himself could offer them better paying jobs and theyd vote for him, the wall, banning muslims etc was all window dressing to get the tea party onside early and build momentum with them at the polls, trump will abandon or water down those policies very soon. The simple truth is america is an unbelievably divided society with such a blatant gap between rich and poor. There is no middle class as labane says. To stay in what we would perceive as one you work two jobs or else 60 hour weeks. But you think the easy wealthy life is still possible, the people just down the road are living it sure! What trump offers is the possibility that this American dream is achievable. The desperate search to elevate themselves is what fuelled the property bubble. people are sick of a system where harder work and longer hours than any European citizens leaves them poorer than those Europeans. The protest vote the don and bernie enjoy has massive ramifications for the future of politics in the states though.




Really. :grin:

And you would?

Loads of them up here, i work with a few, and im a twenty minute drive to the border so i get down there regularly, to one of the most liberal states Washington, where even there people are completely different to east coasters. What are you basing your shrieking theories on this thread on? I didn’t realise the ten euro go bus ran all the way to missouri and arkansas.

I somehow doubt you have a 10 euro bus that goes anywhere near Missouri or Arkansas, and I strongly suspect the same about every other poster here.

The reasons for Trump’s popularity or what “ordinary Americans” think (ie. those who vote for Trump, as if “ordinary Americans” don’t vote for anybody else) are not some third secret of Fatima, and you don’t have to go on an anthropology trip to Wichita or Little Rock to find out, no more than you have to go to anywhere these days to find out what “ordinary people” there think.

its going to be great craic on here when Trump is elected


You had your finger on the pulse early alright

I think you’ll find I considered Trump a lock for the nomination from quite early in the primaries while @anon7035031 was still dreaming up scenarios as to how Trump would be beaten by either Rubio or Cruz into March.

So yes, my finger was indeed more on the pulse.

Wouldn’t be hard with some of the collective brains trust on this thread, admittedly.

Ah blatantly ignoring your inconsistencies again, is this what makes you a top top debater (in your eyes only)

Paul Ryan has declined to support trump,holy moly

You mean this early in the primaries post from February where you were still bigging up Rubio? When did the imaginary conversion to Trump occur?

Your first sentence there doesn’t make grammatical sense.

As for your second sentence, I’m not particularly interested in what’s in your imagination.

None of this post makes any sense, grammatical or otherwise. The first paragraph is bizarre, especially for someone like you that is a really brilliant debater (in your mind)

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Stop dodging and post up where you said Trump was a “lock” for the nomination early in the primaries (which began February 1)…

It’s not my problem if you can’t understand a grammatically correct sentence or fail to understand a reference you brought up yourself in the first place yourself*.

*I deliberately put in that second, superfluous “yourself” to make that sentence grammatically incorrect and try and confuse you.


I said it was likely he’d have unstoppable momentum for the nomination on February 24th whereas you were still speculating Rubio could win Florida and that Trump had “peaked” as late as March 11th.

I’m not trying to score points here as you so clearly are (I can’t really think of too many more things more tedious than arguing over who predicted who would win what and when), I’m just stating a fact.

Rubio would clearly have been a more electable candidate in a presidential election than Trump will be (as would Kasich, Christie and probably even, at a push, Cruz), but his robot act finished him off in a race in which it became clear he wasn’t going to win from at least mid-February.

Said the guy who started the argument on who predicted what and when :joy:

I didn’t bring it up, @maroonandwhite did.