US Presidential Election 2016: Sidney's Victory Lap

No i didn’t, you claimed to have an understanding on American public sentiment, i showed you were talking through your hole, it progressed from there

Yes, you did.

Read it back.

And, since you mentioned the phrase, stop talking through your hole.

I’ve no interest in seeing you go through another public meltdown.

It doesn’t help anybody.

and you’re off again recalling you imaginary victory where we both equally made fools of ourselves, but you actually changed your plans to keep arguing you odd cunt. the truly hilarious thing is you’re a really poor debater, as evidenced again today, but you think you’re hot shit.

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I find it interesting how people talk about Trump’s campaign having tapped into “the psyche of the real America”, or whatever they say about it, yet Hillary Clinton has pulled in 1.85 million more votes than him in the primaries. Apparently those who voted for her aren’t part of “the real America”.

What’s “the real America” anyway? Is it the overwhelmingly white, majority male vote Trump has pulled in, or the far, far more ethnically diverse and more gender-balanced support Clinton has?

It’s both, clearly, but what’s also clear is that Hillary Clinton taps into a bigger and a far wider cross spectrum of “real America” than Trump does, and that is why she’ll win.

It’s a common misconception about Hillary Clinton that she is a weak candidate and doesn’t have electoral appeal. She easily won two senate elections in New York (in the first, she was 10 points ahead of Rudy Giuliani in the polls before Giuliani pulled out) and beat Obama in the popular vote in the 2008 primaries, only losing because of the delegate count. The impression given here that she is a poor electoral performer is way off.

She is an extremely formidable candidate and I don’t at all see her losing in November.

There’s a litany of stuff out there about Trump that’ll destroy any chance he has, like him being a rapist in the words of his own wife, and the Central Park Five case. As @Watch_The_Break has pointed out, he can’t “pivot to the centre” in any meaningful sense because his candidacy has attracted more attention than any candidate in presidential election history and his pronouncements on Mexicans and Muslims have been world news. The impression of him as an extremist is now deep rooted and will stick. That’s fine in the total freakshow of the Republican primaries but disastrous in a presidential election. He’s also going to be beaten up a stick on policy matters. He completely winged it with bluster in every Republican debate (as pointed out by none other than @labane_1917) and that simply won’t wash in the debates in October.

I expect Clinton to get in or around 350 in the electoral college, and in this day and age that’s as big a landslide as you’ll get.

Would you not be better off looking at your collection of Conor McGregor vines or something, or even reading*?

*I generally wouldn’t want to drive any traffic there, but I’ll make an exception in this case.

so easily rattled

That’s a really crap attempt at a comeback. Even Tossy would easily come up with something a bit more articulate than that.

you think this is banter or an excellent attempt to rise me, its pathetic, having the spare time to respond endlessly with this inane shit doesn’t mean you’ve won any debate, it just bores everyone to tears and thats what gives you your imaginary victories. That is the advantage you have over other posters, certainly not intellect or wit as you cliched diatribe a few posts up shows, just endless time and the belief that if you have the last say in an argument you win.

It’s certainly boring me to tears.


You call me cliched and one of your retorts is “so easily rattled”. :laughing:

Christ, you’re good.

There has been two candidates in the Democratic primaries since February 1st vs 11 in the Republican primaries. Of course she has more votes. You don’t have a rashers.

Hillary Clinton is a dud. Her opposition is a socialist and she can’t beat him off. She has the entire democratic establishment on her side, to such a degree that they were all scared to run. She did a deal with Obama so he would support her this time out and the party largely obeyed. Her unfavourable ratings are shocking, given her lack of “extreme” positions like Trump.

You really can’t grasp how dirty her past is. She is a liar and has decades of skeletons in her closet.

If the Democrats put forward Biden this wouldn’t be a contest, Trump couldn’t win. But he can with the witch running against him.

Finally, can you please not spasticate another thread up with your inane googling just to muddy an argument up? This was grand until you arrived copy and pasting opinions you got from other places.

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What was this, now? :grinning:

I wanted Biden to run from the offset. it’s a terrible pity he didn’t, but understandable given the personal tragedy he’s had.
All I can think is that it’s just pitiful that the richest country in the world, the country that helped to win WW2, the country that landed a man on the moon, the country that has given us all so much, these two are the best they can come up with.

One of Hillary’s biggest problems is she can’t run away from Bill’s legacy. When he was elected in 1992 he proudly announced the country was getting two presidents for one. In reality Hillary was running the show for the first term, bringing in all her slimy cohorts from Arkansas and generating scandal after scandal as the existing WH staff were fired and replaced by scumbags. Anyone complaining ended up dead, out of a job, or audited by the IRS (like all the women who accused Bill of rape or sexual harassment). It was only after her Health Care proposal (the basis of Obamacare) bombed that Bill had to take a break from being blown by interns and take back the reins.

The image of the Clintons back in the White House is disgusting to the great majority of Americans. They might hold their nose if the economy was going well, but in this environment not a chance. The economy is the great leveler, it affects everyone and at less than 5% unemployment that’s essentially everyone. More of the same, which Hillary is committed to, is not going to cut it in an environment where most think things are shit.


It’s the anti election, you vote for the candidate you hate less. Not exactly inspiring is it? America will become increasingly grumpy and divided, increasingly insular and increasingly irrelevant to the rest of the world. I’d imagine the Chinese are bursting their bollocks laughing at this. They are the power now and the country the rest of the world looks to as America’s power and prestige wanes. Turps and Clinton are another nail in the coffin.
I’d say Trump is assembling an absolute army of lawyers, there will be some amount of litigation over results in the election. When he loses the election he won’t go quietly into the night, he’ll still be there years afterwards spouting his mental shite with enough morons lapping it up, as Hillary stumbles from one disaster to another.

This is a masterclass from @anon7035031 a real insight from someone on the ground who actually knows what he is talking about

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He also has a very well-formed and coherent debating style. It’s easy to see @anon7035031’s opinions are formed from mingling with “ordinary americans”, just like @maroonandwhite’s. While other lads would be googling like mad just to keep up, these two have boots on the ground. It means I can focus on important things in life, because I get all the information I need on the election here, nicely supplemented with @Tim_Riggins’ informative updates from social media and key media outlets.

Would you find yourself skipping over certain posters and going straight to the ‘good lads’?

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Always entertaining to read @Sidney giving @maroonandwhite an old fashioned internet beat down.


Yep.its great stuff

As soon as I see the avatar I immediately go on to the next post. It’s actually a great use for the avatar. It acts as a blocking mechanism