US Presidential Election 2016: Sidney's Victory Lap

I agree on the War on Drugs. It was worth trying, like the War on poverty. I don’t see many Democratic Party members calling for it to stop, however. I have seen plenty of Republicans calling for a reevaluation of welfare though.

The cities where drugs are particularly bad - i.e. south side Chicago and Baltimore, are Democratic Party strongholds. Go figure.

Republicans don’t do any war on poverty. They certainly do the war on the poor, though.

Why would you expect poor black areas to vote for a party that is at war with them?

Would you have expected poor Catholic areas in the North in the late 1960s to vote for Unionists?

You’re out of date by a few decades. Since the Soviet subsidies stopped Cuba has been in serious decline including its health care system. A recent report by International SOS rated Cuba as high risk for travelers, well below Mexico and Columbia.

And at what cost? Healthcare reform and Obamacare was sold on the basis that it would be good for the American people and good for the US economy. They were sold a pup.

They told the American public that the money currently spent on medical care would be reduced under the reform, but then the opposite turned out to be the case. In true Obama fashion, a liberal amount of spin was applied and lo and behold, increased spending in healthcare was a sign that the system was working. Then again, he’s a snake oil merchant, like most politicians.

Even the Fed has confirmed that Obamacare has had a negative impact on labour markets. Keep people locked in to unemployment, living in worsening conditions, and with increasing risk to their basic needs as per Maslow’s hierarchy… But at least they get a free flu shot.

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The war on drugs is not a recent thing, the earliest legislation was in 1870. It has always been driven by racist phobia, fear of opium smoking Chinese, cocaine snorting African Americans, and weed crazed Mexicans. Never mind the biggest market for all of the above are white suburban rich kids.

Nixon to Haldeman in 1971: “it’s a funny thing, all those campaigning for the legalization of marijuana are Jews. What the Christ is wrong with the Jews Bob?, I suppose it’s because most then are psychiatrists”.

Tell that to the Director General of the World Health Organisation who has described the Cuban healthcare system as an example for the whole world to follow. And that wasn’t decades ago, it was in 2014.

Nice soundbite Sid, but you might want to do a bit more internetting before taking it as gospel.

I’d respectfully suggest there’s a lot more INTERNETTING you need to do.

You’re the expert of course, so I wouldn’t want to talk down to you.

You are slow.

The Democrats are proponents of welfare and came up with the War on Poverty. It has been a failure.

An excellent summation.

Like this post if you think that I’ll be a better president than Trump :grinning:

The Don is going to sort out North Korea. What a statesman.

Presumptive US Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump says he is willing to meet North Korea’s leader to discuss its nuclear programme.

“I would speak to him, I would have no problem speaking to him,” the businessman said of Kim Jong-un.
Such a meeting would mark a significant change of US policy towards the politically isolated regime.
Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton decried Mr Trump’s “bizarre fascination with foreign strongmen”.
The statement, delivered by one of her aides, added that Mr Trump’s foreign policy “made no sense”.
In a separate interview with Fox News, Mr Trump said he “absolutely had regrets” about his nine-month campaign, but that if had not conducted himself in the way he had, he would not have been successful.

The BBC has also learned that Mr Trump could visit the UK before the presidential election in November.
Diplomats expect his visit to the UK could happen after he formally becomes the Republican party candidate at a convention in July.

Earlier this week Mr Trump said “it looks like we’re not going to have a very good relationship” with the UK.
British Prime Minister David Cameron and new London Mayor Sadiq Khan have harshly criticised Mr Trump’s proposed ban on Muslims coming to the US.

Mr Trump’s comments about North Korea emerged in an interview with Reuters news agency on Tuesday, in which he also expressed disapproval of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s military actions in eastern Ukraine.

Mr Putin is a figure who Mr Trump has previously said he respects.

On the subject of North Korea, the New York property developer said he would pursue face-to-face talks and added that he would also put pressure on China, as North Korea’s only major ally.

“I would put a lot of pressure on China because economically we have tremendous power over China. People don’t realise that,” he said.

“China can solve that problem with one meeting or one phone call.”
North Korea first tested nuclear weapons in 2006, in breach of international agreements, and has made repeated threats of nuclear strikes against South Korea and the US.

Currently, any contact with the US happens between officials, not at a presidential level. The nations have no formal diplomatic relations.

Last month, Mr Trump suggested the US should stop preventing its allies Japan and South Korea from obtaining nuclear weapons, directly contradicting long-standing US policy on non-proliferation.
In the Reuters interview, Mr Trump also called for a renegotiation of the Paris climate agreement, in which more than 170 countries pledged to reduce carbon emissions.

And he said he would dismantle most of the Dodd-Frank financial regulations if he were elected president.
The Obama administration passed the regulations in 2010 to reduce risks to the US financial system and prevent a recurrence of the 2008 crisis.

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He’s done it

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We’re closing in on Killary as well. What a time to be alive.

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Trump is going to be the next US president, how long he stays alive after the election is another question.

Just finished a press conference. As expected a kinder gentler Trump has emerged now that he has won the nomination. Walking away from all his controversial statements, wouldn’t say Muslims should be excluded, but that a solution had to be found to the problem. Lot of time spent talking about funding woman’s health issues, keeping coal mines open and rebuilding the military. He has Clinton in his crosshairs now, it will be a long hot summer for her.

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Great to see PayPal founder and gay man Peter Thiel is supporting Donald. The Liberals and Establishment hate that he wouldn’t support who he is “supposed” to.

They’ve been running hit pieces on him to suppress his freedom of speech. Ironically the same people are outraged that Thiel has been financing lawsuits against the scum at Gawker Media for “suppressing” freedom of speech.

You couldn’t make it up.

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Where are you, mate? Are you past Maam Cross yet?

I’ve a pint on the table for you here in Leenane.