US Presidential Election 2016: Sidney's Victory Lap

Where exactly does he think the military needs rebuilding?

What did you announce in the press conference?

Itā€™s now pretty obvious Trump will be the next president. At least it will be fun. Some of it.

It be some crac. Usa usaā€¦ But the clinTon will get there. Doesnt matter who anyway there is shit to be played out. Hows things with you bud ?

She will still win though bud? Whatā€™s the next governments * (*their) plans (foreign)

Not so sure Clinton will now, Trump has momentum. I still find it amazing that essentially we have two candidates that the majority of Americans detest.
Iā€™m awesome mate, the sun is shining, Iā€™m getting my hair cut today, U13ā€™s football tomorrow morning and Iā€™m going to drink beer and wine this weekend. Hows yourself.

Its really only pinko liberal do gooders and work shy layabouts who have it in for the Donald. Most right thinking people think heā€™s great and would make a terrific president.

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The military needs upgrading. Not more people, more modern technology. Quantity isnā€™t the problem but quality is. At some point in the future the Chinese will need to be confronted and technology is all that will work there, as they have the numbers.

Its a 2 party system they have to vote for one! Serious though I think serious sinister stuff could kick off,whoever its jew! Yanksā€™ have been quite last few years shit is brewing. Good to hear bud out with the kids gaa foot I presume, brilliant? Iā€™m good pal up having a few (school night ), but fuck it on a wind down on a job , starting new one in 2 weeks. 13 yr old daughter making obligitory confirmation Saturday so looking forward to that and seeing family

I said Trump was merely a cunt but Hillary was a disgusting cunt. As it doesnā€™t make much difference who is in the WH due to separation of powers, I said vote for Trump, at least we will get some entertainment (personally from a remote part of western Ireland).

Nah mate, he doesnā€™t play the oul GAA here in Australia, soccer I believe is what some people call it, the ethnic communities like our own over here call it football. Though heā€™s suffering with Severs at the moment, so mightnā€™t play tomorrow.
Good luck with the confirmation, I hope she has a terrific day and is spoilt rotten.

What, like the 41st and 43rd Presidents?

Sound fitzy, and its saccer pal. Still a great sport but has lost its way. Btw it will be a good heathen confirmation. Why its so late in the year she goes to what here an educate together school, no teaching of religion in the schools. Funny though I know more about the bible than some of the preachers around here!

Some of the preachers around here are too busy banging an STD ridden hooker, trafficked by an russian gangster to read their bible mate, donā€™t be too hard on them.

Aye bud. The mad thing is (some) of what the bible says is not actually a bad way to live, esp the 10 old testament rules which a broken by men (and women!) day in day out. I think youā€™re response is, you couldnā€™t make it up! I

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Fitzy is going nuts now he realises his candidate is going to loose

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Oh dear.

I donā€™t believe I have a candidate, I threw my support behind Joe Biden from the start of the thread, unfortunately he isnā€™t running. I havenā€™t supported anyone since.

Things are not going so well for the Donald at the moment. Heā€™s falling behind again in the polls and Republicans, including Paul Ryan and Newt Gingrich, are falling over themselves to call his comments about a Hispanic judge racist. They still support him, of course.

Itā€™s amazing how stupid, uninformed and gullible people are ( not directed at you @Sidney, youā€™re just the messenger). A racist is someone who believes their race is superior to other races. There is absolutely no evidence that Trump is a racist. Calling for borders to be secured to contain the flow of illegals, criminals, drug smugglers and terrorists is not racist, itā€™s called common sense.

Trump is absolutely correct in calling for the judge in this politically motivated case to be reclused. The judge is a member of La Raza (the race), a group that has called for the boycotting of Trumpā€™s businesses. How the fuck could he be unbiased in a case against a Trump business? In particular as he is an Obama appointee.

Itā€™s quite hilarious listening to Hispanics complaining about Trumpā€™s racism. They are the most racist fucks on the planet themselves and display disgusting contempt towards African Americans and native Americans. When La Raza campaign for the rights of their ā€œraceā€ they sure as fuck arenā€™t talking about the Indian populations they have decimated but whose blood flows through their veins. Cunts.