US Presidential Election 2016: Sidney's Victory Lap

She has been proven to lie, yet the “right on” liberals who would demand any other politician who did the same to resign, are ebullient because she wasn’t charged? Not charged after Obama endorsed her, quelle surprise. :neutral_face:

The woman is a liar and unfit for office, but her fanbois will go to any length to defend her.

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God bless you Hilary.

FBI director Comey and his boss AG Lynch have been asked to testify before Congress on the Clinton email probe. It will be interesting to see how Comey responds to questions as to why lower level individuals have been charged and convicted of much less than Hillary’s “extreme carelessness”, and how Lynch explains her 30 minute meeting with Bill Clinton in her private jet at Phoenix airport days before Hillary’s testimony to the FBI.

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No, it’ll be fucking horrible. Truth and justice getting shat on again. Cunts.

This election should be a tap in for the republicans but they’ve fucked up good and proper by selecting that orange faced gee bag trump

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Correct, any decent candidate would shit all over her. A lot of Democratic commentators are running away from her after yesterday, as regardless of Comey’s lack of balls / wanting to keep his job, the opening 35 minutes before he folded like a wet suit was pretty damning.

What a man.


Now supports Saddam Hussein, but wants to invade Iraq:

Up on a rape charge:

He is the best,no seriously the best,there’s nobody better

Looks like Donald is making Newt Gingrich his choice as VP. A dream ticket, Newt will fire up the base. He has the political experience and CV required.

Before the announcement by the FBI director, Hillary had a double digit lead in polling, now it’s down to 3%. I don’t think many outsiders understand how much this is hurting her, she has been exposed as a lying cunt that would say or do anything to get into a position of power.

Theresa May is an intellectual giant compared to her.

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Saw some footage of Bernie giving Hilldawg his backing from the podium.
Sad to see an old man debase himself in such a manner.

Everyone toes the line in time. Everyone.

Obama’s impact on race relations #yeswecan

People got all uppity.

Trump is to announce his VP tomorrow, pence and gingrich look to be the favourites

It’ll be Mike Pence, he’s already dropped his reelection campaign in Indiana.

Can’t spell Trump-Pence without “tuppence”, which I wouldn’t give for their chances of winning in November.

Polls have them effectively deadlocked, especially the key swing states. The FBI investigation outcome has really hurt Hillary, as it demonstrates she is unfit for office and a compulsive liar.

Once the economy it’s game over and we’re over the line

That’s great, mate, but another poll conducted from July 8th to 12th shows Clinton 13 points ahead.