US Presidential Election 2016: Sidney's Victory Lap

Who’s saying?

Elizabeth Warren hasn’t a hope, she’s 1. A woman, no way they’ll have two on the ticket & 2. A progressive. They need a righty to try to bring in some of the Republicans

Bernie wants her on the ticket

And wall street doesn’t so it won’t be her.

"We have no qualms with you moving left, we understand all the things you’ve had to do because of Bernie Sanders, but if you are going there with Warren, we just can’t trust you, you’ve killed it.’”

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There is no need for Killary to put her on the ticket. Sanders is a nuisance for her but the pressing matter for her is to avoid going to jail/hoping the economy doesn’t tank before November. Whilst in a normal election cycle having a pesky challenger still buzzing around would be an issue at this point, with the media and establishment continuing to launch attacks on Trump there isn’t really a need for her to acquiesce to Sanders.

Warren would be of no advantage to Killary when it ultimately comes down to it.

This killary thing is almost as amusing as sids hunegal.

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Indeed, Shillary would be better anyway

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Used regularly as well but we mustn’t forget Benghazi

Warren will be put in there as a fall back in the slim chance she does face some sort of charges,trump is imploding at the minute,he has no money and no ground game, sponsors are even pulling out of the convention,top republicans are even talking about a "conscience"clause as a way to get away from him,the republican convention is gonna be box office

Warren would be a poor pick and won’t be the one selected. Her name being floated is a sop to the Bernie Bros who think their voice is more important than it actually is. He has been trounced by Clinton but his movement goes on.

No point in marginalising this movement before we see how the Republicans shake up.

Nonsense of course Sanders supporters are important they make up a sizable portion of the electorate. Hilary is making an ape of herself trying to win over the 18 - 35 demographic that mainly follow Bernie. Exhibit A ;


Which is more embarrassing

Given he probably paid for the top photo himself…

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Latest polls

Electoral votes
Hillary Clinton 343.3
Donald Trump 194.1
Gary Johnson 0.7

Popular vote
Hillary Clinton 48.7%
Donald Trump 42.2%
Gary Johnson 7.7%

The FBI say Hilary is clean. Thats good enough for me.

I’m astonished at this outcome, from reading the very confident predictions of many self-styled “experts” on various INTERNET forums, I had assumed she was going to be in prison by now.

I cannot believe that the INTERNET has got this one wrong, and I just don’t know what to believe any more.


Hillary in big trouble now,

Hillary: “I did not email any classified material to anyone on my email”

Hillary: “I never sent or received any classified materials”

FBI Director James B Comey: “110 emails in 52 email chains have been determined to contain classified information at the time they were sent or received”

Hillary: “everything that could be in any way connected to work is now in the possession of the state department”

FBI Director: “the FBI also discovered several thousand work related emails that were not among the group of 30,000 emails returned by secretary Clinton to state on 2014”

Hillary: “it would be easier to carry just one device for work and for my personal emails instead of two”

FBI director: “secretary Clinton used several different servers and administrators of those servers during her 4 years at the state department. And she also used numerous mobile devices to send and read emails on the personal domain”

The rest goes on to indicate that Clinton was extremely careless in he handling of very classified information.

It was very naive of anyone to think Clinton would be charged, in particular after Obama endorsed her and announced a campaign schedule with her (a completely unethical act considering she was under investigation by his own Justice department). The outcome today is a travesty, but sadly a predictable one. The reality is if this were anyone lower in the chain of command they would be charged, and indeed many have been and convicted for more minor offences.

Hillary has lied through her teeth from the beginning of this saga. The most relevant lie of many is the claim that there was nothing marked “classified” or classified at the time in her private email system. The reason she was so adamant about this is that it is illegal to send classified information over an open email system. We now know this was a lie, there were over a hundred emails sent that at the time were identified as “classified” and at least eight at the “top secret” level.

The excuse that this would be hard to prosecute is pathetic, and clearly a political decision. This was clearly gross negligence under any normal interpretation of the statute, and to classify it as “careless” is odious and an affront to all those who serve in the military and are held to the highest standards. FBI director Comey misled the public stating that “intent” would have to be demonstrated, and that they could find no prior case that would support criminal charges. Intent is not part of the relevant code, and a naval reservist was tried and convicted a year ago for transporting classified material in an insecure manner, although no intent to do wrong was found. We will see how well his logic holds up when he goes before the House for questioning.

It is truly depressing that someone who the head of the FBI said engaged in “extreme carelessness” in their handing of classified information is about to be promoted, when anybody else at any level of any organization would be fired.

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