US Presidential Election 2016: Sidney's Victory Lap

You have been taken completely in by the rhetoric in the US, you stupid stupid man. Everything you are saying is pointed towars muslims and Islamic countries. Open boarders would allow those who want to stay stay and those who donā€™t leave.

Iā€™m not a particularly typical north western european, i could find a place that would suit me more.

I am not saying its do-able in the morning but the fact that ye cannot even make an attempt at thinking about it tells me all i need to know.

The Cato Institute has a very liberal immigration position, so itā€™s unsurprising that they would find issue with Arizonaā€™s tough stance on illegal immigration. Libertarians have been dancing around the emigration issue as much as anyone, calling for open borders, but at the same time controlling entry of people who pose a threat. Hello, how do you control dangerous individuals entering the country if you have open borders?

The sensible approach is to have an immigration policy that matches the overall economic needs of the country while also being compassionate in terms of political or economic refugees, something the US has been at the forefront of for much of its existence. I donā€™t agree with the specific AZ law, but when the federal govt do nothing, its not surprising that states that were most impacted by the economic downturn take action.

I think youā€™ve made this point about ā€œdangerous individualsā€ before and it was pointed out that illegal immigrants are less likely to commit crime than the native population.

Talk about ā€œdangerous individualsā€ is rich from Republicans - itā€™s a classic demonisation of the other, and ironic given the Republicans seem hell bent on defending the rights of the many dangerous gun toting individuals in the US - itā€™s been one of their central policy planks for decades.

Not surprising that one of the states most impacted by the economic downturn takes action to exacerbate that situation? Probably not.

I can certainly think of places that would suit you more.

Yip. Portugal, parts of Canada, parts of Italy, California and a few more.

It doesnā€™t matter whether they commit more crime or less crime. The fact is that illegal immigrants commit crimes, some very serious crimes, and those individuals should be deported. The other fact is that in many cities, like San Francisco, policies are imposed on law enforcement to block immigration enforcement, which allows known criminals stay in circulation. As you say there are enough dangerous people out there already, so thereā€™s no need to add to it.

There are 27 countries in the European Union you can currently emigrate to, if you arenā€™t such a typical ā€œnorth western Europeanā€, then why not move now?

Do you believe in the concept of countries at all Kev?

Sure by that logic you could ban any immigration whatsoever.

No, its called immigration control.

We have enough loons here, thanks.

I believe in cultures and tribes. Immaginary lines iā€™m not so big on anymore.

Well do you believe in social services? Do you believe in laws? Anything resembling a society?

i do

So how do you respond to the queries I had for you earlier?

I agree in an ideal world we would have free flow immigration, but practically speaking.

Yes mate, as a former illegal immigrant myself, who ended up doing pretty damn good for himself and put well into the seven figures in Uncle Samā€™s coffers over the decades, Iā€™m not too bothered by it.

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Youā€™re not the problem mate, as you know well.

What queries? You asked me 1 question, i andwered it. If you have more ask them.

Hold on, where do you live?

Has thrump any chance?