US Presidential Election 2016: Sidney's Victory Lap

Come on team thrump.

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Trump has been compromised by Russian agent without even knowing the fuckin orange cunt,a vote for trump is a vote for Putin

Aaannnd Trump is now the fave according to lib Nate Silver after today’s polls (she is still taking it on polls plus though)

Given the fuck ups at the start of the RNC, Cruz acting the prick and Clinton orchestrating the media after Trump’s speech, he’s done very well to just overtake her.

For fucks sake, a nominee always gets a huge bump right after their party’s convention. Means fuck all.

She’s not doing too bad with the kremlin agin her as well I suppose



If it was the other way about hannity and Co would fuckin choke on their bile

That’s bollix. The emails (which those of us who follow this said would damage her), has destroyed her trustworthiness with independent voters.

Movement started in June once the field was settled and then when the emails came out.

Certainly, one thing that the Convention did for Trump was shore up the Republican vote (80%+ of them had a more favourable opinion of him after the convention), he had a longer and more bruising campaign (with the establishment against him) than Hillary who only really started to see it go nasty from March onwards. But for Independents I doubt the Convention helped him substantially. His speech was rather good (along with Ivanka’s and Peter Thiels), focusing on putting out an olive branch to the minorities he may have bruised in the primaries. But the Dems did a great job in immediately splicing together some quotes and framing it as a “Dark” speech. He didn’t get good press after it, he should have, but didn’t.

This Dems convention is opening up wounds within their Party already. More leaks to come.

If what was the other way around? Trump has had the RNC against him from the get go. Fox have had a so so relationship with Trump (Hannity aside). This Russian “link” is actually coming from a combination of annoyed establishment Republicans and the Dems. The reality is that Assange hates Hillary Clinton, that goes way back, and would have preferred Sanders as the nominee.

Blah, blah, fucking blah.
Trump has a bump in the polls because every presidential candidate gets a fucking bump in a poll taken RIGHT AFTER their party’s national convention.

Trump’s polls have been going up for over a month. FACT.

Ignore the emails all you want. When the FBI Director goes up and trashes you on stage for your actions, there are some consequences. Independents will start looking elsewhere.

A few weeks ago Trump supporters were claiming “the system is rigged!” and the FBI director had been bought off by the Democrats.

Now apparently he “trashed” Clinton.

Funny how the goalposts move for spin purposes, isn’t it?

The FBI did trash her.

They didn’t indict her for political reasons.

Nobody said otherwise.

Wait until @Tim_Riggins tries to smear Jeremy Corbyn by saying he’s a Kremlin agent despite supporting Russia’s poodle Trump.

Yet another (I know) thing for Tim to be confused about.

Or, the reality - they didn’t indict her because there was nothing to indict her on.

I think you’re about 30 years late with that shit post. Putin might be an authoritarian, but he ain’t no socialist.

Once again, the only person confused here is yourself. Torn between upholding your “principles” in supporting Corbyn’s poor leadership and criticising the “Establishment” Blairites for undercutting him, and your new support for Democratic Party hack Hillary Clinton who rode the magic carpet of the DNC all the way to the nomination instead of your other hero Bernie. So so confused.

FFS, thanks for proving my point. You present a graph that shows Trump being fairly flat for most of July, then RIGHT AFTER the convention he gets a bump.
Sweet Jesus. It happens to every fucking candidate right after their party’s national convention.
A poll will come out next week showing Hillary has gotten a bump.
FFS, why am I even having this fucking conversation?

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Again, Tim, I have to correct you, and I know it’s really boring having to continually do so.

It’s you who’s confused about your own confusion.

Times 1000.

Jinx. No comebacks.

Nya Nya na nya nah. :grinning:

You said the polls are “no big deal”.

I pointed out that his march started in June, her numbers fell. It isn’t just a “Convention Bounce”.

Anyone who actually follows this would know that.

Weak poster.

The sad thing is, at best out of all of your confusion on what position to take, you’ll get a DINO in the White House and another 10 years of Tory rule. But you’ll be ideologically pure at least. :grimacing: