US Presidential Election 2016: Sidney's Victory Lap

How the fuck would you know where I hang out you horrible cunt bag,FOAD


That’s a really horrible thing to say.

Why are the so called lefties on this forum so protective of a DINO, war mongering criminal? It’s so strange, it’s almost like they’ll do anything the media tell them to do.

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It’s such a pity Joe Biden didn’t run for President.

Meryl Streeps speech the other night was amazing, you really do get a better class of people

Obama, damn.
That may go down as one of the greatest pieces of public speaking of all times.


Now THAT is a fucking speech.

Conservative blogger Erick Erickson…

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Words speak louder than actions for Obama. He still thinks he’s in a college debating society. A disaster of a President.


Agreed, it is unfortunate that he did not enter into a career for which he was qualified.

I agree with him when he says he is not as qualified to be president as other people are.

We knew that the dems would be mentioning Donald Trump in their speeches, however it is very surprising how much of their speeches focused on Donald. Donald will be very happy with this.

Advantage Donald Trump.

Just confirmed on the news that the Donald stole the spotlight with his name mentioned more than 150 times !!!

Great result for the Republicans, dems looking desperate.

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A gaffe prone 73 year old who was VP to the disaster that has been Obama. That would have been a really attractive choice.


Wow. Just, wow

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Obama gave a speech about his perceived accomplishments.

What did he say that Hillary has achieved?

Sorry, is I black? Are you mistaking me for President Obama?

It was a magnificent speech however, it had to be to outdo his lovely wive Michelles, as well as Bills, and of course, the amazing Meryl

At one point during the speeches last night, the attendees started chanting “USA USA USA”.

They were asked to stop by other dems because that apparently is a Donald Trump chant ! :joy:

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What cant be denied is the absolutely kicking President Obama gave Trump last night. He unloaded a full clip in him. I’ve watched it a few times now, its mesmeric.


This is going to be a wonderfully entertaining campaign !!

It was while it lasted thats for sure.

He absolutely dismantled him… I almost felt sorry for Trump at one stage… Hillary is a shoe in now you’d have to say.


Nobody is going to believe in Hilliary, nor should they. It’s really a simple matter of Trump’s ability to conceal his fundamental cluelessness and pathological narcissism. He is a spoofer, with no vision beyond ‘I’m great and everything I do will be great.’

But the appeal of Trump has little to do with what he is, and everything to do with what he is not. He is not another ‘son-of-a-bitch politician’. The American centrists (‘left’ & ‘right’) have consciously abandoned the bottom 30% of their population (being generous). Those people have experienced all the inspirational speeches and beautiful visions before. And they know it’s a sack of shit. Trump, regardless of anything else, is different. And as far as many of those people are concerned, how much worse could it get?

Trump probably won’t win, but he is symptomatic of what’s coming. Incomes are shrinking for the majority of the population and costs are rising. If you’re a politician, despair is a good business to be in right now.

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