US Presidential Election 2016: Sidney's Victory Lap

It was like a drive by shooting.

I doubt too many Americans will pay too much heed to what a failed, lame duck president has to say.

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A nation who listens to what Kim Kardashian says, will listen to anyone.

Taking it in is another matter.

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"And everyone that votes for me will be so great, and America will be great, in fact we will have so much greatness that itā€™s going to be great,

And the dems are not so great, believe me"

Obama got as much done as big business and the right wing nuts would let him. Itā€™s not really a position that allows wholesale progressive changes to be madeā€¦ However, his changes to medical care were absolutely massive.


No they werenā€™t

Surprising no one shouting for Trump to be charged with Treason after his invite to the Russians. If it was the other way round , heā€™d already have a bull it in his head.

I assume she will run the next time?

Why would it be? Its the Trump supporters who shout loudest.

No I saying that if there was some potential scandal involving Putin ( which there probably is ) and someone in Russia invited the yanks in for a snoop around, heā€™d want to get the bottle of vodka in quick to deaden the pain

You may need to reconsider that statement :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Its just the latest in a long line of waffle from the man. America aint Russia.

I read Hilary has same chance of losing as an NBA player has of missing a free throw.

And he knows it

I presume the NBA player in question isnt Shaq.

I believe the NBA player is an average of all NBA players who shoot free throws. Shaq is what is termed an outlier I believe. If he was playing now the board would say he is having a nervous breakdown.

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Yeah millennials love them some Obama.

The problem the Democrats have is they assume they can just peddle out the same bullshit and the Anerican public will buy it. Itā€™s not going to work this time Iā€™m afraid. They will get no bump from their convention as itā€™s just more lies. Only morons would take anything the Democrats say seriously, they will peddle any bullshit necessary to stay in power.

Hillary hasnā€™t a notion of implementing any of Sanders platform, that swing to the left for the convention was done to get his supporters onside, and many of them see right through that move. Like sheā€™s going to take on Wall Street and the big banks, her head is so far up their ass she couldnā€™t remove it.

Obama is a tremendous orator but he should have pursued an academic career as outside of public speaking he is clueless and useless. Saying Hillary is the best qualified to be president just loses any credibility he has left. Her career since Whitewater has just been one fuck up and self inflicted scandal after another. The latest scandal is the Clinton foundation is being investigated by the IRS, a real can of worms. Trump will attack her in the debates like no politician has ever been attacked, and sheā€™s such an easy target.

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Obama will be coining it in come next January on the guest speaking circuit after his eight year apprenticeship.

And Republicans donā€™t peddle lies at all?