US Presidential Election 2016: Sidney's Victory Lap

The Egyptian army wonā€™t be too impressed with this development.

Ibrahim halawa would be very confused by this turn of events

Are you a wum or an idiot?


You donā€™t speak out against the establishment in Egyptā€¦the MB won the power fair and square sure :smiley:ā€¦itā€™s a pity though as Iā€™d like to visit the pyramids one dayā€¦serious history there.

Itā€™s a shame.

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Iā€™m beginning to seriously worry about your mental health mate.

@anon7035031 has a point about muslim goals going back to the 7th century mateā€¦thereā€™s no question of that.

Itā€™s a religion that is living by those ancient guidelines ā€œfundamentalistā€ wise which is crazy.

What goals? What the fuck are you talking about? Itā€™s a religion like any other, with a small minority of nutters fucking it up for everyone else. The vast vast majority of Muslims in the world donā€™t want anything to do with the extreme shit. The vast majority of people that these nutters kill are Muslims.

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These young brainwashed lads see Islamiification as a goal mateā€¦western society norms sickens themā€¦itā€™s complex as the majority wouldnā€™t be like that I suppose.

But thereā€™s a big push from Saudi and then youā€™ve the Coup Erdogan had in Turkey to rubber stamp Islamificationā€¦itā€™s legislated for now in Turkey sureā€¦I donā€™t mind any refugees coming hereā€¦ but when thereā€™s an agenda it does make me wonderā€¦why arenā€™t they going to the Gulf States for exampleā€¦are they that sectarian that they wonā€™t take Shia kids in from Syria?

Theyā€™re very much muslimsā€¦think about it. kid.

Except the agreement to withdraw from Iraq by the end of 2011 was agreed under the Bush administration, not the Obama one. It was also supported by Trump.

Nice to see youā€™ve graduated beyond a few syllables.

Itā€™s not a religion like any other, you absolute simpleton. Islam is the only modern religion that calls for death to unbelievers, jihad, and such. Name another. There are no fucking moderate Muslims, according to practicing Muslims. You are either a practicing Muslim or you are a non Muslim, thatā€™s why those that are serious about the religion make no distinction whatsoever between a Christian, an Atheist or a non practicing Muslim, they are all infidels. Thus they have no problem executing any of them.

The vast majority of actual Muslims, as in practicing Muslims, are in countries like Saudi, the rest of the Middle East, Indonesia, Pakistan, etc. and they all take their religion very seriously. Itā€™s not a fucking fringe movement.

Donā€™t worry mate, Iā€™ll never get to your state of delusion.

Obama came to power in January 2009. Bush had started troop withdrawals after the success of the surge campaign and had reduced the level of troops to 146,000 by December 2008. Bush never gave a timetable for full withdrawal, however Obama ran on a platform of quickly exiting Iraq. He aggressively followed this goal, having 50,000 left by August 2010, and full withdrawal by December 2011.

Obama was and still is completely naive on foreign policy, the accelerated withdrawal from Iraq left a vacuum for ISIS to fill, and they quickly expanded beyond the Iraq borders, as uberhawk Hillary destabilized the whole region.

Wrong, the date of December 2011 was agreed under Bush in 2009, not Obama.

He signed up to a goal of December 2011, which was a three year timetable when he left office. Considering troop drawdowns started in 2007, and a fair bit had been accomlished, it wasnā€™t unreasonable. However, you donā€™t rigidly stick to a plan if it isnā€™t working, Withdrawing by Dec 2011 became a fait accompli for Obama, regardless of how bad things were on the ground. It was a disasterous withdrawal, as it directly led to the growth and spread of ISIS.

Not unusual though. Everything Obama and Clinton have touched on foreign policy has been a disaster, especially while Hillary was SoS.

For fucks sake, you seem to have some delusional idea that everything was a ok before Obama and the surge was a complete success. The surge was a nuclear version of internment, throwing every fuckwit possible into prisons run by Al Malaki which became breeding grounds for the fundamentalist militant faces we now see, including the likes of Abu-Bakir-Al-Baghdadi. It was the spawning ground for ISIS,Dash whatever the fuck.
No matter how much you and Trump want to shift the blame for the total and utter disaster that is the middle east, the foundation of ISIS et al sits firmly at the feet of the Rumsfeld presidency and the malevolent Iraqi regime it installed.

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Fitzy is right for once.

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The deep state might welcome Trump, he would be easier to control on policy.

The deep state wants predictability and someone they can control, not necessarily overtly though. Trump is not what they want which is why you see all the defence and foreign policy wonks on the GOP side trying to undermine him now. A Hillary presidency is a proxy republican presidency and exactly what the deep state want. Trump would be their nightmare.

Trump hasnā€™t a hope after his latest gaffs mateā€¦fucking egatā€¦
Youā€™d nearly be inclined to believe that he is a Clinton plant after all.