US Presidential Election 2016: Sidney's Victory Lap

The only comparison with Trump is yourself, in that both of you are clueless.

ISIS had formed within Iraq before the 2003 invasion, and their goals were well known during the subsequent decade, the idea of an Islamic state or caliphate is hardly a new one. The invasion of Iraq was a strategic disaster by Bush and Blair (don’t forget that cunt as well) and gave ISIS an opportunity to expand, but they were essentially dead after the surge. They at least were well contained, and could still have been wiped out with a bit of coordinated effort betwen the west and the moderate gulf states. The withdrawal in 2011 resulted in mayhem. Sticking rigidly to a timetable that Bush had set in 2008, but took no consideration of the actual state of affairs in 2011, was the act of an incompetent. As demonstrated by the need to sent forces in again aftre Mosul was taken in 2014.

Obama and Clinton are solely responsible for the growth of ISIS, and the destabilization of Syria, Eqypt, and Libya. Don’t forget it was Obama and Biden who kept Maliki in power after he had been beaten in elections (so much for democracy!). ISIS didn’t start to expand within Iraq until early 2013, four years after Bush left office, and the failure to see that, do nothing to stop them, and then create more instability in the countries around Iraq for them to take advantage of was utter folly.

The growth of ISIS from a small contained militia within Iraq to what they are today is solely down to the incompetence and bunging of Obama and Clinton, actually mainly Clinton. It’s one of the things that makes her presidency such a scary proposition.

Great post mate, other then Putins stance Syria would be completely overrun with fucking IS.

That man has saved hundreds of thousands of lives, and took a snaky punch off Erdogan and walked away…I’m deadly serious when I say he should get a noble peace prize as the provocation from the west is unreal.


You really are completely and utterly fucking mental.

Why don’t you address the points in the post instead of whinging like a little child.

Who are this “deep” state?

Run along there little guy :joy:

Why don’t you answer the question. Or do you need to go find your tinfoil hat first.

Deep south

They’re a crack team of Gauloises-smoking, scarf wearing existentialist philosophers.

I thought so.

I have addressed the points, to which you responded with something you made up, which to most people would be described as being incredibly childish, or in your case, just fucking mental.

What’s made up exactly you utter simpleton? Everything I wrote is factual, except to someone with a blinkered view of history. The most salient fact being, in a discussion of the rise of ISIS, that when Bush left office ISIS was a small militia in a small region of Iraq. Their subsequent growth and expansion is solely down to Obama and Clinton’s utter incompetence.

What happens in the US is of no consequence to you.

lolz, what a load of codswallop. Never heard of Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac clearly, 2/3 of bad mortgages issued by Government agencies or required by Governent acts. Teehee

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“ISIS had formed within Iraq before the 2003 invasion” - this. Where in the name of jaysus are you getting that / making that up from?

al-Zarqawi, who founded ISIS, was active in Iraq before 2002:

Conspiracy theories rampant in the past week

His tax returns would show that most of his money comes from Russian banks as the American ones stopped lending to him a long time ago

That fucking statue is deeply unsettling and cannot be unseen. I’d say Trump is seething over it.

NYC Parks and Rec had a lovely response after removing it