US Presidential Election 2020

What are you trying to imply here?

Yeah I think if you remove societal taboos around drug use it becomes more socially acceptable to use drugs. You remove a certain preventative stigma around it. Usage will probably go up and all of a sudden there is a niche for an even harder illegal drug or latest offering to enter the fray. Americas opiad problem is well documented. Virginia, Maryland are some of the worst and liberal policies like this wont help.

Last night I had the strangest dream I sailed away to China


Read between the lines.


Spit it out man.

Biden transition team think he can win them all.

@balbec is seething at this two fingers to Mother Russia.

Just sharing some information. That’s all.

‘Surprise ballot dumps’.

Poor Don has always had trouble with figures

The funny part is when he said they should continue counting in AZ (where he was behind), but should stop counting in WI, MI and PA (where was ahead).
He’s a gas cunt in fairness.

He’s a gas man sometimes.

You’d think they’d have been a little more subtle about their election fraud wouldn’t you?

Gas Cunt

They should give him another run on reality TV. Its where he really wants to be and his psycho hick followers like @Watchyourtoes and @glenshane can still get their Don fix. There will be peace in the valley

Some evidence alright that even where they’ve legalised softer drugs that people are still going for the under-the-counter most potent strains. I’d agree with the hope that societal stigma about harder drugs might sustain but I think we might be past that. It’s a me me me world now.

I wouldn’t be sure. Heroin use dropped in Portugal after they legalised it AFAIK.

Very good sid. You keep on turning it blind eye …

A colleague’s Mrs is from Cincinnati, and he said she was in tears this morning about the possibility of Trump getting reelected. He said while the city would be liberal enough, you’d only have to go 20 minutes out the road to be in wife/cousin territory (just like Tipp I’m sure some highly original smart arse will say)


Just like Tipp

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