US Presidential Election 2020

Folk on the trump train that havenā€™t yet commented and see the writing on the wall.
Could be a fair few.

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This is like how Sideshow Bob won the Springfield election. Itā€™s disgusting

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Hmmm, how will we address the debt? Oh yeah lets print more money. Bi partisan agreement in a heartbeat

Heā€™s got to go

Wouldnā€™t you be ashamed of your life to be a Democrat now? Will they defend the indefensible?

The latest is Roy Blount is engaged in high level talks with senior Democrats with the objective being to establish an ā€˜honorableā€™ exit strategy for Trump. The thinking is if they can massage his ego just enough the gravity of just how much an election disaster it has been will begin to weigh in with him and heā€™ll concede

How come poor aul donie OSullivan didnt get sent out on a bit if a gig on cnn for the election?

An impeccable source again Iā€™d say

Anyone remember Tuesday night when the Trump cheerleaders all came crawling out of the woodwork and were hours giving it big licks and slapping each others e butts, seems like a long time ago now


Something that flying under the radar is that the Senate could flip to Dem with Biden winning and the situation in Georgia. Dems needed to pick up 4 seats to gain a majority but that becomes 3 with Biden winning, as Kamala has the deciding vote instead of Pence. The two seats in Georgia are virtually tied, both held by Republicans, and now looking like both heading for a run off election on January 5th.


Newt Gingrich on Fox right now being mental
This is great stuff altogether :smile:
Bret Baier (sp?) has a look on his face like ā€˜Sick to fuck of entertaining these daft cunts all the timeā€™

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Itā€™s an epic mugging off. The great orange baboon beaten by a lad who is barely able to pull his pants up over his pyjamas.


Should we bump a few of them?

I said it before if the votes were just counted the other way round with mail ins first it would go down in history as a landslide and an absolute trouncing for trump

With respect no one but you was saying the senate was a done deal.

With respect I didnā€™t say the Senate was a done deal, I said it was disappointing that Dems didnā€™t pick up the seats they had targeted.

You spent hours banging on about how even though Biden might win, it would still really be a defeat for the democrats because they were stuffed in the senate

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Has Trump lauched a birther campaign against Kamala Harris yet? He might go after Biden too, sleep Joe is so old he probably emigrated from Mayo during the famine, this needs to be established