US Presidential Election 2020

Fixed that for you

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A toxic presidency with an administration packed with Irish Americans taken down by an Irish American.

Mumbly Joe

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Still fuck tipp

Very reasonable

Wolfe tone was a Prod, its unionists that are the problem. Prods Jews Muslims any religion is alright in my book. Being a cunt isnā€™t. Hopefully Biden does his bit fir the 32

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We will control the world. #plasticslivesmatter

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I donā€™t know about you @Lazarus but Iā€™m wrecked after the past few days. I hope Joe Oā€™Biden is getting plenty of rest


Iā€™m in tears here

Fuck tipp up Biden

We eagerly await President O Bidens victory speech tonight and then we finally get to take this Goddamn thing off

A shit poet letā€™s be honest.

Big Mick not lapping up the twee cheerleading from fellow Oirish

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I just, ā€¦I just cant :sob: :sob: :sob:

Mick is a dour cunt

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