US Presidential Election 2020

The TFK Trumpateer brigade have gone very quiet all of a sudden

That’s bullshit, no way biden got 128

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The lefty’s are devastated that they have been caught out.

The seethe is off the charts

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The President is absolutely correct. Thanks for posting this.

tenor (39)

Well done to the Republicans for taking California

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The really smart move from democrats was letting all those republicans win their senate seats. They have to say the vote was legit then so they can keep their seats. They ain’t going to chance a re run for a job that’ll make them millionaires in the next few years

The far right is eating itself

The whole call here

I’m only a few minutes in but it’s tremendous fun already

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He would want to go out with a bang by pardoning Snowden and declaring UFOs are real.

Greatest president the United States ever had

The Proud Boy brigade have gone very quiet

How did that clown ever get to be President? His transparent attempts at psychological manipulation, the bullying,the threatening. Absolutely nothing subtle about him. He really is a child.

Quick answer - large swathes of the american public are easy marks.

Top class wummery today though - Devin Nunes and Gym Jordan are to receive the Presidential Medal of Freedom :rofl:

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Nunes I don’t know of but remember Jordan from the impeachment hearings. Absolute loyalist.

which I suppose proves that people get the politicians\leaders they deserve.

Jordan is accused of covering up sexual abuse of wrestling students at Ohio State U by a team doctor when Jordan himself was a coach there.
He is a scumbag.

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Jeez! But no real surprise that a serial abuser is recognised by the serial abuser in chief.