US Presidential Election 2020

Whether the land-mine I’ve stood on is live or not.

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That might possibly be the daftest things ever written on this site, and that’s saying something.

“We” as non-Americans need an American president that stops creating theatres of conflict in middle eastern countries, thereby forcing mass movements of asylum seekers and refugees into countries. The knock-on problems this creates are well-documented and to the fore in the past number of days.

Why is it that leftists are always blind to facts? Why can they only acknowledge feelings?


I think you are right on that, reckon she is as tough as nails

The Irish left will detest her hugely I would think .

Actually googapplebook will be President.


4 more years :clap:t3:

Thank you

Anthony Scaramucci has seen the light and so can you

Joe O’ Biden quoting Heaney now I see :clap: :ireland:


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A victory for Joe Biden is a victory for Ireland Inc


End of Quote :sunglasses:

You’re in a bad way


Much like Don would say to Mel, relax, it’ll be over soon.

Shur you couldn’t believe those Journal cunts

They’ll do nothing

Irelands corrupt corporate tax system is the pride of the nation. No democrat would ever fuck with it

TBH, wasn’t Trump saying the same thing when he got elected? And Obama before that?

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You’re dealing with fellas who don’t really get politics here

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