US Presidential Election 2020


My pals in US tell me large parts of Manhattan and DC are boarded up in anticipation of it getting fruity. View is Trump will call it as soon as he is leading in PA.

The US democrats economic policy is similar to FG or the British Conservative Party .

Trump democracy is the same as Tory democracy.

Why have they run their forecasts 38 times in a day? They either work or they don’t.

Nate has a lot riding on this one

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Pennsylvania democrats up to all sorts.

Don’t be surprised if tens of thousands of Philadelphia Biden Ballots show up 2 or 3 days after the election.

Project fear. Keep telling the people Biden is a sure thing and they’ll believe it. Some will either not vote or some will vote for who they perceive to be the winner.

So Biden is less likely to win than Hillary was just before the election?

Biden will take Florida, we’ll know this Tuesday night/Wednesday monrning. All over bar the shouting and potential civil war then

He might not need Florida. Georgia and Philly would suffice

Yeah, I understand if Biden takes Florida then it’s very difficult for Trump to hit the 270.

Fingers crossed!

You still haven’t given us your take on Biden’s fence and threats to fine employers…?

Tell us why you love Trump so much

Why are you changing the subject?

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What is it about Joe Biden that you love?


The subject is the election, you’re the one going off in tangents. What has Trump done that you support him so voraciouly? Maybe you were impressed with him on reality TV and cant let it go

Yes please
