US Presidential Election 2020

@Enrique will show up with a cutting comment any second now


What has shifted the needle lads on the exchanges that ye are posting?


:grin: you’re bottling it mate, stay calm!

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4/9 now !!!

Trump now 4/6 with Ladbrokes

Trump is winning all the states he needs to win, plus he is competitive in a number of states which we were told were solid Democrat

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Confirmed. What a victory :clap: :clap:


@Julio_Geordio Put the gun down pal

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Right on cue :smile:

2/1 v 1/2.

CNN clutching at straws here now.

Biden with a commanding lead here 129-94 :clap: :clap:

There haven’t been a single swing state won yet. All to play for

Must get a bottle of MOET to mark it

The silent vote has surged behind their president.

There it is

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Pollsters need to go