US Presidential Election 2020

No there isn’t

Trump has that and he has Ohio too.

Pennsylvania Michigan going Bidens way is the latest, as you were

In fairness to TFK, there is no media outlet which has its finger on the pulse like here.


PA is staying Red

Difference between Republicans and democrats are the base. Republicans are more than likely to knock on your door and ask you to vote. With Democrats you might get a letter saying sorry we missed you or someone in a hazmat suit?

Lots of pollsters in the dole queue in the morning.
Nate Silver should be forced to where a dunce hat the next 4 years.

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The narrative of the coverage beginning to change on CNN

Exactly. You stick to CoNN

Dana Bash looks shellshocked

Trump still needs a goal here.

right, not over yet.

The usual suspects poppping their loads a bit prematurely

Trump is going to outperform 2016 in both Ohio and North Carolina. It’s a Trump landslide.

And Biden had the big turnout and high percentage of college graduate voters to help him. The Democrats are finished. America is finished, sorry @Tierneevin1979.

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Far from over. Trump has the momentum but he still has to make it up the hill

Biden shortening up again.
