US Presidential Election 2020

Imagine the winning margin had it not been for the COVID

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MI WI and PA are the red mirage. Mail in votes counted last so will drag on to Friday

Wolf trying to turn red to blue

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Interesting, because that doesn’t square with betting on outright winner.


Another week left in this at least


Is Nevada locked in as Biden?

Could be a vaccine before it is sorted.

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Yup yup

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I can see more red than blue

How you calling it?

Some lads getting very excited altogether

I’m going for my second hit off the bong and will think about it.


The votes are real cnn

Gas how Biden’s performance in Ohio was being bet to death on CNN around 2am, must be an hour now since they’ve mentioned it now Trump has come back. Ye can’t change it now lads.


Gas how the Trumpites only came crawling out of the woodwork here once he hit even money too

In fairness TFK comments have been by and large very astute and balanced all evening

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Biden back into 6/4 :see_no_evil:

Now it’s 8/15 Trump. Biden rallying again

Trump 8/15. Tightening a bit

Fuck off joe