US Presidential Election 2020

Still betting on a clear outcome which is starting to look a bit odd. Trump might get his wish and be defeated by early cast/late counted votes. Might get a challenge in the courts, possibly to Supreme court.

Looks like the Arizona New Mexico region has full Democrat. Looking ominous for Texas

9/4 joe

Surely sleepy fave now, he has AZ

Do bookies like giving out handy money ?

Take it if you have it, he’s hitting even money everywhere else

Biden 11/10 now it’s 50/50 from here.

Will there be any more tonight or it safe to go to bed

Have CNN called Florida yet?

Ò Biden has them running for the cot I see

Biden ahead in Virginia

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Its getting dark now and the angry guys are hitting the streets

Decisive states won’t be decided tonight. Go to bed lads.

Trump has taken Ohio :clap:

Biden 4/6 in Pennsylvania now! That’s a flip flop.

Philadelphia scum.

Biden’s deputy campaign manager

Bullock (D) leading in Senate race in Montana with 52% counted.

Dems may get Senate yet.