US Presidential Election 2020

It’s in the bag

It’s morning in America.

Pleased to meet you

CNN in full panic mode here, all trying to reassure each other

They will realise soon that their behaviour over the past year probably contributed to Trumps victory

The black lady on cnn is utterly clueless.

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@Lazarus - who’s gonna win?

The BBC seem even more upset than CNN.

You can’t say that these days

Like cattle in an abattoir

I’m hearing Biden is a schoo in

RTE are interviewing this Donnelly guy. They are upset that the African Americans in Georgia did not vote for Biden in greater numbers.

Very inappropriate thing to be aired on Irish State Sponsored media

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Trump incandescent behind the scenes apparo

here we go!

Here we go

This is incredible.

Those of us who kept the faith have been rewarded.

You never, ever write off President Trump. The silent and not so silent majority have spoken. :slightly_smiling_face:


Has he won it?
Its very hard to get a straight answer around here

Looking good for Trump

5 points up with 10 minutes to go

The 1/2 available on the apparent 1/33 shot was a trap

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