US Presidential Election 2024 - Consolidated Far Right Tweets

How much has biden added? Add in clinton and obama, US national debt has been spiralling for years. If other countries actually cone off the dollar standard they are fucked regardless.

A nonsense point

They’ll just print more. Doesn’t matter about its strength in the currency market. As long as the main trading currency is dollars, they won’t give a fuck. The only thing endangering it is the attempt to move away from fossil fuels and in their case oil

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100% its also a moot point to what the American public will vote on. A lot will compare cost of living and lifestyle between the trump years and biden years. That will swing some votes towards trump. Those people also dont care about trump being a general horrible person and he really is, throw every accusation at him but its only a soap opera to them, they are looking at how the government is affecting their daily lives. Taxds, gas under $3 per gallon, cost of living and crime.

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Only a nonsense point when someone actually holds up some truth to the lies you spout on an internet forum.

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Republicans keep going on about how they are the party of fiscal responsibility a bit like how FG go on about being the party of Law and Order.Complete horse shit but people lap it up.

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Same as the Tories.

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Trying to put information into that lad is trying to fill up a bucket with a hole in it. He’ll make a point which will be nonsense, you tell him actual facts, and he’ll say it doesn’t matter what the facts are what I was saying is still right.

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You simple cunt.

You’ll believe any old shit you read online.

You can throw in numerous “ I was rising “ lads comments but the stupid is big in you.

If trump wins it’s game over for the world.

It’ll be a full scale global conflict within weeks.

Another simpleton, a boring one at that.

We all know your a half wit and no one wants to know your opinion as you type with all the extra digets you have.

Gway and have a sniff for yourself

Simpleton mad……

Will the voters give a toss about the national debt? No they wont, its about where the taxes are goimg what are they paying. The debt level could double but taxes halved the American voter will go for the tax cut

Policing threads again i see

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I read somewhere that he already had a four year term…and the rumour is that the world didn’t end?


I’d imagine being shot in the head would do that to an 80 year old man

Having an opinion is not policing. Get some sleep Bob