US Presidential Election 2024 - here comes Kamabla

Might be playing hard ball to get a more friendly anchor

Sure whe win it in a hack canter, told journos in the spin room he got 90 78 76 83 etc in polls😆

I absolutely despise trump but I watched the full debate back and thought he did better than is made out. He obviously got rattled but he played the hard man role fairly well and kamala was watery enough on a lot of stuff. He tailed off towards the end though going on about orban and just constantly bringing up immigration. She could have countered that a bit better with some ‘we are a nation of immigrants’ stuff.

It’s actually laughable how much she’s being played up by the media. As i said the following morning, She did fine, nothing amazing.

Everything is context.

The scribes on here claimed Harris was going to get destroyed by the master debater trump.

It didn’t happen which was obviously a huge blow to trump and is the reason why he isn’t doing another one.

Yeah that’s true. Hes one of the biggest cunts who’s ever stood in shoe leather too so most normal people are obviously going to be biased against him.

Real redneck country. It may be won in those redneck counties

160 years later and Vance is openly saying the side of slavery was the right one.

A lot of Trump supporters who refuse to say they’re Trump supporters say this.

There were a lot of “I don’t support Hitler but…” people back in the day.

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? The Ukrainians were welcomed in russia?

He’s killing the fishes.

He should be sleeping with them.

The complete unravelling of Megyn Kelly’s career and her descent into perma-outraged madness is very funny.

Why would anyone post this, nevermind dap it. Unless this is your attempt at a parody…?

Dog eat dog is sliding into further extremities within MAGAland. They’re starting to eat each other for breakfast.

An Arby’s, to provide context.

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Marjorie does like an auld jab as it turns out.

Him and that Loomer yoke are definitely at it.

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Fucking hell.

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This is brilliant from Kelly :clap::clap::clap:

Taylor Swift supports dismembering children :open_mouth:

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That was already posted. So what’s the story with Megyn? Gone from Fox and NBC and now doing YouTube from a broom cupboard?

I don’t answer questions.