US Presidential Election 2024 - here comes Kamabla

He should’ve been this generations John Wayne.

I think you’re missing my point. I’m saying even bottom feeding scumbags like pepper who gets a couple of hundred votes in finglas North Central might balk at saying immigrants are eating pets on a large scale. Let alone make it one of the central planks of his election campaign.
We’ve all become used to it now but it’s absolutely incredible if you actually think about it that a former president of America and favourite to win again is continuously saying it. if you said that pre trump people would have thought it was from some kind of brass eye satire.

He’d say it if he could; he’s just not a star, doesn’t have the standing; he could stand there saying it all day and people would never really take any notice. He has set the far right back ten years, just by being the person he is. He is a Twittery scum bag, dole head, racist phenomena; Trump for everything else, is a bona fida television star from an era when people watched television. It doesn’t really matter what Gavan Pepper does, he won’t be remembered, bar he strapped some explosives to him self in a public place. I’d say he was setting the groundworks for some other stupid cunt, but really he is only burying him. You’d need to be every bit of Bressie crossed with the fire of Davy Fitz to make the far right wash its own face here, people don’t buy it.

Eh, he saw it on tv

Say what you want about Adolf Hitler but he was and remains a bona fide television star. Some achievement for somebody who lived in the era before mass television.

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I think we need an intervention for @locke and his use of TikTok.


Wait. She lied? @Arthur and @jellyfish will be livid.

The same woman and her ilk want to lecture the world on misinformation

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Id like to see her tell more lies if it means beating that cunt trump.

Shocked Pawn Stars GIF by DefyTV

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Who is Ian Carroll?

He did a lot though, how many would pick out Stalin or Muss on the street today?

They’re both dead mate

Your liar is better than the other liar?

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“Get the government the hell out of the way.”

What education system is this thick cunt going to send his children to then? And what hospital will he send them to when they are sick? And who will maintain the roads that he is using to drive to church?

Get the government out of the way even though he is reliant on the government to sustain his first world lifestyle - stupid fucker.

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The government siphon taxes to corporates and away from public services. They have to go.

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I think he’s drawing the line at mutilating and sterilising children?