US Presidential Election 2024 - here comes Kamabla

Goverments all over the world are completely over reaching into peoples civil liberties and telling them its good for them. Hes roght they cant fuck off.

People who give up freedom for safety deserve neither

It’s tyranny.

Time to arm the people…whats kumbala harris gonna do that she hasn’t done over the last 4 years?


Nothing shes a DEI hire. Its funny whenever they are called out its misinformation. Demonise criticism and accuse the other side of doing it.


Time to arm the people when the argument is she has done nothing over the past four years…?

They’re eating the cats. They’re eating the dogs.

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A woman of the people. And dead right, this obsession of a degree for every fucking job is stupid.

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What combat zone are they in? Out of curiosity.

There are definitely some US forces in active or near active combat zones - Syria for example. But Kamala clearly wasn’t speaking so literally.

There was no fear they were going to fact check her anyway.


It’s instructive that none of the credulous posters here have been able to “fact check” Harris.

A quick INTERNET search would also have shown that the Tik Tok fella linked by @Jake_Stevens above is actually a Holocaust denier.

That’s actually a very good policy. I’ve hired loads without degrees and the difference in work ethic I found is astounding.

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If you gave em a photo mate, and said who’s that? They’d all get Hitler

I mean they have troops all over the place but active combat? I’m dubious.

Do you ever pause to think about the things you say?


She didn’t say active combat, she said “active duty in a combat zone”, which is clearly wrong. But not a big thing at all.

Did Father Jack pause to think about what he was saying when he said “that would be an ecumenical matter”?

It was a very fair thing to say as far as I can see.

Word for word it isn’t correct, but as I said, people are just being pedantic for political reasons.

Just looking it up here. This article cites Syria and Iraq as areas troops are stationed and where there is low level conflict.

I don’t think either would properly be described as active conflict zones, they’re certainly not in a state of armed conflict. Low level conflict isn’t the same thing as war. But I’m sure others would view it differently alright.

As I said, technically she is wrong, but it isn’t a big issue at all.