US Presidential Election 2024 - here comes Kamabla

That is still the most appalling comment Trump has ever made, which is saying something.

Next debate should literally be just her regurgitating them all again and making him defend them.

There is no more debates, Trump is a fucking coward.

Waste of time debating that empty suit. Get out and meet the people and win easy in November. Make America healthy again!


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The vice presidential debate on October 1st will be the last debate

Kumbala lied.

She has to go.

I loled at this

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Be more watchable than Love Island anyway.

Here’s Trump’s new very best friend Laura Loomer turning up to give some moral support to a bunch of Nazis, but they don’t seem to like her.

Given she’s Jewish that shouldn’t have been a big surprise to her.

And the Irish are apparently now going extinct, according to the chief Hitler lover.

The fascists have come to save Springfield, Ohio from an entirely fictional threat, and they’re saving Springfield by making bomb threats against hospitals.

This is a real bad poll for Trump.

The first decent sized poll of the individual states, post debate should be released today. A lot hangs on it.

Is there a

Oh nevermind

Apparently another attempted assassination.

An AK-47 shot in the vicinity of his golf course where he was playing in Florida.

The lefty headbangers only know violence


Hopefully the sex offender trump is dead