US Presidential Election 2024 - here comes Kamabla

“They that give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.” - Benjamin Franklin

The most respected groups in the US are 1. Military service personnel and veterans 2. First responders. As shown above she has disrespected the Military. Defund the police movement has the police fraternities against her and i say claiming jan 6th was the worst event on US soil since the civil war wont win favours with firefighters especially a day before the anniversary of 911

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Are you on the wind up today or is it one of your serious moments, hard to know :man_shrugging:

Christ all fucking mighty.

I can’t believe actual Irish people are posting this shite sincerely.

Thats dead serious pal, Americans take anyone who served in serious regard. Disrespecting the troops is a massive no no

In all seriousness were you dropped on your head? Youre are serious misfortune


How has she disrespected the troops?

Wrong again.

So there has been no US bases attacked in Syria or Iraq in the past 12 months?

9/11 didn’t make New York an active conflict zones or a war zone.

I think glas means there probably wasn’t any actual conflict whilst kamala was actually at the podium

Syria isn’t a combat zone mate?

In a combat zone in a war zone. No, I don’t believe so.

Syria has been a war zone for a decade plus mate.

Maybe there’s a historic peace settlement @glasagusban isn’t telling us about?

A Department of Defense official, speaking on background, told Vox, “An aspect of military service includes serving in locations where hostile actions may occur. Those locations are designated by executive order and/or the secretary of defense. However, it’s important to note that just because a service member is in one of these locations does not mean they are engaged in war. The US is not currently engaged in a war and does not have troops fighting in active war zones anywhere in the world.”


On July 18, 2015, then-candidate Donald Trump said this about John McCain: “He’s not a war hero. He was a war hero because he was captured. I like people who weren’t captured.”