US Presidential Election 2024 - here comes Kamabla

A dirty sex offender like trump would be no loss surely?

You’d wonder why people hate democracy so much at times.

I’m not pro the death penalty mate.

It hasn’t stopped you being Tiger Woods’ no.1 fan.

Actually, aren’t Trump and your guy Tiger besties?

Is tiger woods a convicted sexual offender like trump?

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Eh, I don’t remember Tiger Woods being charged with anything other than a DUI.

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I’ve no Idea as i detest golf with a passion…but I remember there being a long line of prostitutes and cheating with very very young women being aimed at him among the drug taking and drink driving.

Nope I don’t think he’s a convicted sexual offender. He’s best friends with Jp McManus.

Not overly sure of a relationship between tiger and trump but there was a big falling out with trump and the pga tour. Trump is a big fan of the Saudi golf league.

Has trump a criminal conviction for sexual offences? I’ve no idea if he does… I know there was hush money for Stormy Daniels but that’s akin to what Tiger was at

Anyone else waiting on the rest is politics American edition this morning? Seems Kathy Kay was on holidays judging by Instagram.

Probably best to delete that avatar.

I just jumped on the Google machine and couldn’t find anything about trump being charged with sex offences other than the Hush money

He doesn’t have a criminal conviction for sexual assault or rape or anything sex-related.

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I think we need an intervention for @locke on the toktik.

Thats great. How many stocks do you think the average American family holds. And explain how taking taxpayers money and pumping it directly into the ratheon etc helps anyone?

If you invest wisely, you could get a new table out of it

162 million Americans hold stock. The median value of stock held by US families is $52,000.


Is it keeping pace with inflation? They’re artificially inflating the stock with their own taxes and getting back the illusion of a few cents on the dollar