US Presidential Election 2024 - here comes Kamabla

Yes it appears to be ahead of inflation.

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Its falling apart for the trumpots

It’ll come down to the fracking issue in Pennsylvania for that state. He has a very high base vote.

Stock market will crash when the comrade taxes unrealised gains. Money will be pulled from wall street

Pennsylvania’s largest employer is the state, or commonwealth I believe…and Trump’s project 2025 intends to gut that workforce. I think that people believe that more than the claim that Kamala will ban fracking, and that could tip it.


George W. Bush was a monster and likely the worst president of all time up to 2017 and yet he was still only in the hapenny place compared to this fella in terms in terms of poisoning his own country.

At every point in America over the last decade and more self styled “serious people” have gaslighted that Trump is merely a “clown” and not an actual fascist. These people have been wrong at every stage. They’re the political equivalent of the people who worked at NASA who thought the Challenger disaster could never happen.

Was it Larry Dunne who said, “If you think we were bad, you should see what’s coming after us”.

I remember the largely worldwide sigh of relief when Dubya’s eight years ended, thinking…thank fuck we will never have anyone that destructive and incompetent in the world’s highest seat of office ever again.

Today, I’m secretly screaming on the inside for Dubya to announce that he’s voting for Harris, as he and D Cheney are considered soft, moderate republicans in today’s odd incarnation of time.

Even if Trump doesn’t get a second term, the precedent has been set. I fear for what will at some point in the not so distant future follow, emerging from the hollow shell of the $2 truck-stop, glassy-eyed prostitute the republican party has devolved into.

There will come a time when we’ll remark, “and we thought Trump and his cronies were bad…”

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John Gotti

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Was it joe biden who said, “if you think Ukraine is bad, wait to you see what we’ve got planned for Taiwan”

Harris 4/5 Trump Evens as of right now.

It’s hard to see how anybody else could do what Trump does. He’s one of the most gifted demagogues that has ever lived. Everything hinges on his personality forming a cult. Other people simply cannot do what he does.

Look at how Vance is floundering and has become a national joke. If Vance was the candidate, he’d be losing by 15 points. De Santis would be losing by a stretch. So would Haley. You can’t run with what Trump is running with any sort of a “normal” personality, if you do you’ll be brutally exposed. It has to be led by a cult leader, a brute who has created a world of total fantasy and has the charisma to carry it off.

Bush became a cult leader of a sort in the aftermath of September 11th but it was based on America invading another country and a manufactured sense of national solidarity over 9/11. It was similar to Thatcher becoming a quasi-cult leader around the Falklands War and its aftermath. That was easy for her to do because the Argentines had invaded. But that cult appeal wore off quickly enough for both. Trump’s cult appeal is a much more dangerous and enduring one. But it’s not one that can simply transfer to somebody else.

The danger is that if Trump wins, he will change American laws to such an extent that the Republicans become the party of permanent dictatorship and the next person in, who will likely be either Donald Trump Junior or Ivanka Trump, cannot help but win in a Putin style “election” either in 2028, 2032 or 2036, whenever Trump himself chooses to go or dies.

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You’re really invested in this :joy:

The whole world is.

Ah stop lad… Catch yourself on

It’s the biggest thing that will happen in our lifetime

That last paragraph is completely unhinged Sid. Get a grip ffs sake.

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It’s a perfectly logical paragraph. He has stacked the Supreme Court with goons so all bets are off.