US Presidential Election 2024 - here comes Kamabla

Further proof that bring clearless about history means you are utterly stupid in the present.

The Twitter comment isn’t exactly accurate. The Anglos may have wished Russia victory in both those conflicts but both invaders were defeated without help

So Lend Lease didn’t happen?

Trump’s favourite thing about the Russians during World War II is they collaborated with the Nazis.

Apologies- supplying the Russians with a few uniforms was the key to them holding out at Leningrad and Stalingrad alright

Just admit defeat you’re making a show of yourself


Shur lookit we’ll see. If Trump installs a one party dictatorship which sees members of his family rule America for the foreseeable future then I will look silly and you and Sid will be proved correct.


I really dont know which outcome to root for here.


Well actually it proves the opposite given a plethora of high level Democrats including AOC are demanding Adams resign.

Adams is in the wrong party anyway, he used to be a Republican, is conservative and highly unpopular especially with the left of the party who have been warning about him for years.

If this was a Republican there would no such calls for him to resign from that party.

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I didn’t say that would happen. I just chimed in because you said there were checks and balances and it could never happen, which is incorrect, all checks have been removed by Trump’s supreme court.

The argument here is should the west go all in against Russia. I say no. People saying we should because of ww2 and a rewriting of history that they only beat the nazis because of aid are the silly ones.
Tell that to the winter or the 20m Russian troops killed.
Then again if it’s to make an another argument against Trump on Twitter it must be true.

There’s a load of words here but I can’t for the life of me figure out what you’re attempting to say.


You claimed, in your own words, that they defeated the Nazis without help. They were helped significantly in terms of munitions, food and money. I never denied they made big sacrifices in terms of lives lost or loss of infrastructure

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He is contradicting himself.

“few uniforms” - christ almighty.

We can sleep sound knowing you will volunteer to help defeat them now they won’t have western aid. firing weapons and killing people were irrelevant really.
I don’t want a war with Russia- if you feel differently I respect that opinion but don’t agree with it

Shur the Russians have been repeatedly defeated in wars for centuries. Lost WW1, lost to the Japanese, lost in Afghanistan, lost to the Chechens the first time round - and that was just the 20th century. Everyone with the slightest understanding of history knows the Russians are shite at fighting wars or soldiering, and their record proves it.

What do you mean by this? Who don’t you want to be at war with Russia? Ireland? How do you think that would come about?

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