US Presidential Election 2024 - here comes Kamabla

Kanye is insane but I don’t think he’s been involved in the Diddy thing? He’s been calling Diddy out for years

You do realise an absolutely tiny percentage of rape cases result in criminal charges?

Because women tend to kiss with their eyes closed

Trump is 1/12 to take Florida.

Isn’t that the point?

It could be. He was 1/9 when I last checked.

If Harris can take Florida then Trump is holed below the water line

“Ah come off it, you’re not meant to take them seriously, they’re calm, reasonable, normal democratic politicians…”

A collection of radical right figures including white nationalists and ultranationalist European leaders gathered in Manhattan for the New York Young Republican Club’s (NYYRC) annual gala Saturday night, where that group’s president declared “total war” on perceived enemies.

“We want to cross the Rubicon. We want total war. We must be prepared to do battle in every arena. In the media. In the courtroom. At the ballot box. And in the streets,” NYYRC president Gavin Wax declared to a room full of supporters at 583 Park Ave., an event venue on New York’s Upper East Side.

“This is the only language the left understands. The language of pure and unadulterated power,” Wax added.

I think if you look back over history, when people with a very good chance of coming to power say things like… they will be a dictator, that immigrants are poisoning the blood of their country, that they are the Christian Taliban, that they want total war, that Anders Behring Breivik didn’t go far enough, stuff like that…

Yeah, the lesson of history is to never take those people seriously. That they’re just clowns, comedy characters who don’t mean what they say.

Sit back, enjoy the spectacle, the dumb entertainment of it all. But NEVER take them seriously. They clearly don’t mean it!

You wouldn’t want to have the humiliation of other people thinking you’re hysterically wrong on the INTERNET hanging over you for the rest of your life, now, would you? Is there a greater shame in life?

'Tis all grand, folks. Everything’s gonna be juuuust fine.

Affect a sense of detached, cool knowingness.

Looking forward to the PBS Guardiola-Arteta debate from Manchester (New Hampshire).

I think Arteta will get under his skin big time and perhaps move ahead in the battle for the New England states.

Red and Blue states and all that.

It makes no sense to me that Republicans are given the colour red as an identifier.

That’s because you’re imposing the Red socialist and Blue conservative Euro norm on the American way of doing things.
They also use feet and inches, and list the away team first when showing the score. They have their own way of doing things.
That said, it wasn’t always Rep red and Dem Blue.

No. Do you know where that came from?

I recall the infamous Blue scare and Blues under the bed from the 1950s.

They do.

I sometimes think Ireland never fully committed to the metric system. We think in centimetres for some things, but inches for others.

I’m 6 foot 4. I don’t know what that is in centimetres. I’m somewhere between 14 and 16 stone, depending on whether I’ve had a good shite. I don’t know what that is in kilograms.

But otherwise I think in grams and kilograms and millilitres. I say tonne not ton, even though they’re pronounced the same, like they’re and there and their.

I think in kilometres for short distances but miles for anything beyond about 10 kilometres.

I don’t think anybody has ever fully converted to the metric system. That won’t happen until we have metric time. 100 seconds in a minute, 100 minutes in an hour, 10 hours in a day, 10 days in a week, 100 days in a month, 10 months in a year.

No one converts to metric for their height. Especially if they are over 6 feet

Women possibly.

…or, a Kennedy.