US Presidential Election 2024 - here comes Kamchatka

Ive been saying that for months and you acream that im a racist nazi. Trump will walk it against Biden

Itā€™s an unfair question to put to the man at his age. They should change. What was on there last night wasnā€™t Joe Biden.

No mechanism, I believe. Heā€™ll have to die or resign. They talk about the incumbentā€™s curse. The first debate of the incumbent is usually car crash stuff. Obama called his own ā€˜a stinkerā€™. Biden thrashed Trump 4yrs ago. However, this wasnā€™t about being poorly prepped, or had no accomplishments to talk about or nothing to hit the opposition with. This was just being too out of gas, both physically and mentally as a result of ageing.
Trump, it has to be said did not have a good debate either but his performance wasnā€™t a car crash like Bidenā€™s. Trump lied his way through and avoided important questions which affected large groups of voters even after being pressed several times by the moderators.
Theyā€™re going to have some task trying to persuade Biden to stand down as heā€™s probably thinking he can still win it, and none of the other possible candidates could match or beat Trump with such little time to go.
Kamala Harris wouldnā€™t get elected in a million years. Sheā€™s not strong enough.


There is some ammendment if hes mentally unfit he can be removed

Holy shit, based on that thereā€™s an 80-85% chance of Trump being the next president. This is in the realms of a done deal. I didnā€™t see it, but know JB got lost twice, it must have been a car crash.

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I actually felt sorry for Biden last night, it was painful stuff. The Dems are some shower if they let a man without his faculties run for President.

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Gretchen Whitmer of Michigan. I think sheā€™s uniquely suited to beating Trump.

Sheā€™s the Governor of Michigan, has a solid record of winning elections and being able to govern. Sheā€™s a good looking woman who has a sincere smile. She has the Mom factor. People instinctively like her. That is incredibly important in elections. Sheā€™s 53, the perfect age for a presidential candidate. Sheā€™s outside the bubble of American political dynasties/lifers/celebrities.

Sheā€™s from Michigan, so solid mid-west, sheā€™d likely shore up the vote there. Trump is very vulnerable to that type of candidate because he would not be able to sling the same shit he slung at Hillary Clinton. Heā€™d look exactly like the creepy serial rapist he is. Heā€™d look a monster who has broken into your house and tries to rape your Mom as sheā€™s baking apple pie.


Iā€™d vote for her.

Sheā€™s the sort of woman who has a 17 year old son who all the other lads want to be mates with just so they can go to his house and hang out with his Mom.

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How would she hand something back to you if she were to take it in the first place?

Astonishing really that America can only produce two candidates of that age and calibre. Two auld boys with hair pieces arguing over golf handicaps and cognitive memory.


Makes you realise how lucky we are with Leo and Simon



If Biden did step aside then Newsome would almost certainly be the first choice theyā€™d go with, if he wanted it.

To anybody who understands American society and follows American politics itā€™s not remotely astonishing, itā€™s exactly as youā€™d expect.

The currencies that matter are celebrity (particularly on the Republican side), having the backing of the party machinery (on the Democratic side) and being part of a dynasty.

All these currencies generate money, and you need money.

Since 1980 the Republicans have selected:
A Hollywood actor
A Bush who was vice-president
Another Bush
A celebrity criminal

The three candidates who fell outside that were Dole, McCain and Romney and all went down to bad defeats.

On the Democratic side, Bill Clinton and Barack Obama fell outside these categories and managed to win by force of personality.

Biden got the nomination because he a political lifer and the party man. He beat Trump in unique election where attention was focussed on the utter awfulness of the incumbent as never has happened previously.

The other Democratic candidates in my lifetime who lost have been a party man (Mondale), two Massachussetts liberals (Dukakis and Kerry) and a dynastic relic backed by the party (Clinton).


A far cry from the likes of Harry Truman and Dwight D Einsenhower. They used to be a proper country.

Truman dropped the atomic bomb.
Eisenhower was president during McCarthyism and coups in Iran and Guatemala.

Since World War II no American president has clean hands. Carter is easily the closest.

World war two aside they are pretty consistently on the wrong side of history.