US Presidential Election 2024 - here comes Kamchatka

In Europe they’ve mostly been on the correct side of history. Outside Europe mostly on the wrong side.

But their opponents have mostly been on the wrong side too, a different wrong side.

They don’t have any values, only interests.

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They have values only if values conveniently align with interests. Not otherwise. The exact same and far worse can be said of the Soviets, the Chinese and various Islamist fundamentalist factions throughout the world.

But that’s geopolitics. It’s shit but it is what it is.

But also, if you only operate according to interests, your supposed values cannot survive, they will be inevitably exposed as a sham.

But also further, anybody who thinks it would be a good thing if America falls to Trumpism again is a thundering moron.

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They’d be better off with Whitmer than Newsom. He and his policies have ran California into the ground. Newsom wont win in the South or the Midwest. Shapiro is possibly another one. They might opt for some one of those in the rustbelt/swing states.

That’s where the US is, in my view.

Of course Trump would be worse.

Biden will have to die or be incapacitated to not be the candidate.

Here’s the thing - he not senile, he’s frail. And against somebody of the Mussolini level awfulness of Trump, that shouldn’t matter. But it does. He’s already losing for other reasons.

I called this a year ago. He’s toast in November and Trump will be back in.

The Democrats are unbelievably bad at politics.

Biden needs to get on some serious heavy duty Sunny Delight.

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My man in Washington has assured me last night was the test and the big man failed it. Its curtains. He’s gonzo.

Agree with this - at this stage Whittmer is the only one who could sweep in late and beat Trump. She’d be an incredibly bad match-up for him.

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Liz Chaney might be the person actually. She would appeal to moderate republicans, hates Trump. There was initial talk of her running as an independent but she could be swayed to run for the democrats

A genuine fucking psychopath…shed be no different than biden

Be great fun though

You do know Liz Chaney is a republican right?You’d nearly think the Dems want to lose the way their carrying on.I felt sorry for Biden last night,the Joe Biden that ran in 2008 with Obama would have walked all over Trump last night.How the Dems have let it go this far has been disastrous.

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I give it about 3 hours before some “serious person” New York Times opinion columnist calls for the Democrats to run Mike Pence as their presidential candidate and a poster here agrees with them.


Read my post again. I alluded to it in my post. But she was fully behind the last impeachment move and has distanced herself from the Trumpites. There’s nothing to stop her walking across

RFK Jr remains to the man to vote for.

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It’s like getting Limerick to play the Limerick B squad in the AI final cause no one else is up to it

The Democrats would never chance running two women though.
I’d say that would be a disaster….

Michelle Obama needs to step in here

Tell Joe it’s time to get off the stage, she’ll have to help him off the stage, and she’s running for the big gig