US Presidential Election 2024 - here comes Kombucha

This JD Vance fella could turn out to be Trump’s Sarah Palin. One for the failing upwards thread if ever there was. Palin might actually be smarter than him, and there are stray animals on my road smarter than Palin.

Of course the difference is that McCain himself didn’t have a fascist cult behind him whereas Trump does.

I think the distinctly uncharismatic Harris might make an absolute tool of Vance if they debate.

Ouch. Vance is a con man and a literal fraud taking working class people for fools on behalf of corporations, and stealing their money.

Oh I’d well believe it, he’d remind you of a few thickos here who turned far right because they couldn’t take a few home truths about themselves.

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We can only hope.

It does seem a bit of a risk appointing a running mate who called you Hitler.

You’d think so but rationality doesn’t apply to Trump, as you’ve pointed out many times yourself. The whole schtick requires suspended belief.

The tfk warmongers won’t like this…

Gavin Newsome’s ex.Former Fox News mouthpiece.

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Fondly remembered for working in the shop every summer in town here when she was young

This David Sacks fella is another obvious Putin agent who wants America to be a dictatorship run by a Silicon Valley fascist cabal, for the benefit of Putin.

Yet another genuinely evil moron.

These people used to get the electric chair. Now they’re perilously close to destroying America and the world.


Where was that?

The auld lad was from Ennis, so I suspect there.

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Dalcassian Printers, as it was.

The Rastoolers will enjoy this pop at the UK

Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. apologized this morning on Twitter for a video that was leaked by his campaign of his phone call with Donald Trump shortly after his assassination attempt. It was apparently posted by his videographer and/or his son, and appears to be a push by Trump to get Kennedy to drop out of the race and endorse him.

The video shows Kennedy being filmed while Trump is on speaker phone. It begins with Trump attempting to show that he agrees with RFK’s various vaccine conspiracies:
Then Trump shifts gears on his attempt to get RFK to endorse him:

“Anyway, I would love for you to serve. I think it would be so good for you and so big for you. And we’re gonna win, we’re way ahead of the guy.”
Then Trump disclosed what he claims Biden said when he called him after the shooting:

“He was very nice actually, he called me. And he said, ‘why did you choose to move to the right?’ Because I was looking straight on. I said, I was showing a chart - I didn’t have to tell him the chart was on all the people pouring into our country. But I just turned by head to show the chart, and it sounded like a giant - like the world’s largest mosquito. And it was, it was a bullet. What do they call that, an AR-15 or something? That’s a big gun.”

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He’d make a great secretary of health & human services.

Fucking mongo.

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Paul Murphy has been googling as heavy as some heroes on here to give the political background of JD Vance on tonight show

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Opens her legs for the Donald. He’d probably use it to park his golf trolley.

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